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LT1074CT Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Linear Technology |
LT1074CT Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - Linear Technology |
4 / 16 page LT1074/LT1076 4 Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired. Note 2: To calculate maximum switch “on” voltage at currents between low and high conditions, a linear interpolation may be used. Note 3: A feedback pin voltage (VFB) of 2.5V forces the VC pin to its low clamp level and the switch duty cycle to zero. This approximates the zero load condition where duty cycle approaches zero. Note 4: Total voltage from VIN pin to ground pin must be ≥ 8V after start- up for proper regulation. Note 5: Switch frequency is internally scaled down when the feedback pin voltage is less than 1.3V to avoid extremely short switch on times. During testing, VFB is adjusted to give a minimum switch on time of 1µs. Note 6: ILIM ≈ (LT1074) , ILIM ≈ (LT1076). Note 7: Switch to input voltage limitation must also be observed. Note 8: VMAX = 40V for the LT1074/76 and 60V for the LT1074HV/76HV. Note 9: Does not include switch leakage. RLIM – 1k 2k RLIM – 1k 5.5k ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 6V REGULATOR AND BIAS + – -POWER SHUTDOWN µ 10 A µ 320 A µ + – 2.35V 0.3V CURRENT LIMIT SHUTDOWN 4.5V 10k S + – CURRENT LIMIT COMP C2 15 400 + – C1 R/S LATCH R R Q X Y Z + – A1 ERROR AMP FB V 100kHz OSCILLATOR ANALOG MULTIPLIER XY Z FREQ SHIFT SYNC G1 PULSE WIDTH COMPARATOR 24V (EQUIVALENT) 2.21V SWITCH OUTPUT (V ) 0.04 250 500 INPUT SUPPLY SHUTDOWN* I * 6V TO ALL CIRCUITRY LIM Ω Ω SW Ω Ω VIN C LT1074 • BD01 100 SWITCH OUTPUT (V ) 0.1 Ω SW Ω 3V(p-p) LT1076 LT1074 *AVAILABLE ON PACKAGES WITH PIN COUNTS GREATER THAN 5. BLOCK DIAGRA |
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