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AN1971 Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - STMicroelectronics |
AN1971 Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - STMicroelectronics |
4 / 16 page 4/16 ST7LITE0xxx MICROCONTROLLED BALLAST is a simple software trick using a variable which counts the number of these interrupts. If you want an event to occur after a certain time (e.g. switch from preheating to ignition mode after one second), you should watch this global variable and when it reaches the desired value a proper procedure is run. The time from 1ms up to the dozen of minutes can be measured this way (with the step of 1ms). To connect the analog world to the digital core there is an analog to digital converter (ADC) im- plemented in the ST7LITE0xxx. This ADC has two input ranges, the first measures the analog voltage from 0 to 5V in order to obtain a digital value ranging from 0 to 255 (8-bit resolution). The second turns on an integrated amplifier with a gain of eight, which means that it can measure the voltage in the range from 0 to 250mV. This integrated amplifier is very useful, es- pecially when measuring the small voltage drop on the current sense resistors. Lamp current and voltage must be measured to have complete information about the ballast circuitry. In Figure 4 and Figure 5 are the circuits used to filter the voltage on the current sense resistor. The first filter is used to obtain the peak current value and the second one to get an average current. Two circuits are used for voltage measurement, similar to the current measurement. The first, used to measure a peak value, is depicted in Figure 6. It is a simple voltage divider with output in the range from 0 to 5V. To avoid an error caused by the voltage drop on the diode D3, the divider has been split into two parts. The second measurement circuit, used to obtain the voltage DC offset on the lamp, is shown in Figure 7. Because the offset can be either positive or negative the circuit has been adapted to raise the zero point to 2.5V. This means that a measured voltage smaller than 2.5V results in a negative offset and voltage higher than 2.5V gives a positive offset. Figure 4. Peak Current Sensor Figure 5. DC Current Sensor Sense Resistor Analog Input D4 BAT46 D4 BAT46J R38 12k R38 12k R37 8k2 R37 8k2 C12 150n C12 150n Analog Input Sense Resistor R33 10k R33 10k C19 C19 470nF |
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Similar Description - AN1971 |
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