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M37225M6 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
M37225M6 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
7 / 128 page M37225M6/M8/MA/MC-XXXSP, M37225ECSP Rev.1.00 Nov 01, 2000 page 5 of 124 REJ03B0136-0100Z Number of basic instructions Instruction execution time Clock frequency Memory size Input/Output ports Serial I/O Multi-master I2C-BUS interface A-D converter PWM output circuit Timers ROM correction function Subroutine nesting Interrupt Clock generating circuit ROM RAM OSD ROM OSD RAM P00–P05 P06, P07 P1 P2 P30, P31, P35 P32 P33, P34 P50, P51 P52–P55 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Input Input Output 71 0.5 µs (the minimum instruction execution time, at 8 MHz oscillation fre- quency) 8 MHz (maximum) 24K bytes 32K bytes 40K bytes 48K bytes 1024 bytes (ROM correction memory included) 2048 bytes (ROM correction memory included) 15K bytes 96 bytes 6-bit ✕ 1 (N-channel open-drain output structure, can be used as PWM output pins) 2-bit ✕ 1 (N-channel open-drain output structure, can be used as INT input pins, A-D input pin) 8-bit ✕ 1 (CMOS input/output structure, can be used as OSD output pin, INT input pin, A-D input pins, DA output pin, multi-master I2C-BUS interface) 8-bit ✕ 1 (CMOS input/output structure, can be used as serial I/O pins, timer external clock input pins) 3-bit ✕ 1 (CMOS output structure, or N-channel open-drain output struc- ture, can be used as A-D input pins, DA output pin) 1-bit ✕ 1 (N-channel open-drain output structure, can be used as A-D input pin) 2-bit ✕ 1 (Can be used as OSD clock input/output pins) 2-bit ✕ 1 (N-channel open-drain output structure, can be used as horizonal • vertical synchronous sibnal input pins) 4-bit ✕ 1 (CMOS output structure, can be used as OSD output pins) 8-bit ✕ 1 1 (2 systems) 8 channels (8-bit resolution) 14-bit ✕ 2, 8-bit ✕ 6 8-bit timer ✕ 4 3 vectors 128 levels (maximum) <16 types> INT external interrupt ✕ 3, Internal timer interrupt ✕ 6, Serial I/O interrupt ✕ 1, OSD interrupt ✕ 1, Multi-master I2C-BUS interface interrupt ✕ 1, f(XIN)/4096 interrupt ✕ 1, SPRITE OSD interrupt ✕ 1, A-D conversion inter- rupt ✕ 1, VSYNC interrupt ✕ 1, BRK instruction interrupt ✕ 1, reset ✕ 1 2 built-in circuits (externally connected to a ceramic resonator or a quartz- crystal oscillator) Parameter 6. PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW M37225M6-XXXSP M37225M8-XXXSP M37225MA-XXXSP M37225MC-XXXSP, M37225ECSP M37225M6/M8-XXXSP M37225MA/MC-XXXSP, M37225ECSP Table 6.1 Performance Overview Functions |
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