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UPD178004A Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - NEC |
UPD178004A Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - NEC |
30 / 56 page 30 µPD178004A, 178006A, 178016A, 178018A 10. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 °C) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Rating Unit Power supply voltage VDD –0.3 to + 7.0 V Input voltage VI1 Excluding P60 to P63 –0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V VI2 P60 to P63 N-ch Open-drain –0.3 to +16 V Output voltage VO –0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V Output withstand VBDS P132 to P134 N-ch Open-drain 16 V voltage Analog input voltage VAN P10 to P15 Analog input pin –0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V Output current high IOH 1 pin –10 mA P01 to P06, P30 to P37, P56, P57, P60 to P67, –15 mA P120 to P125 total P10 to P15, P20 to P27, P40 to P47, P50 to P55, –15 mA P132 to P134 total Output current low IOL Note 1 pin Peak value 15 mA Effective value 7.5 mA Operating ambient TA –40 to +85 °C temperature Storage temperature Tstg –65 to +150 °C Note Effective value should be calculated as follows: [Effective value] = [Peak value] × √duty Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded for even a single parameter even momentarily. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions which ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark The characteristics of alternate-function pins and port pins are the same unless specified otherwise. RECOMMENDED SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGES (TA = –40 to +85 °C) Remark TCY: Cycle Time (Minimum instruction execution time) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit Power supply voltage VDD1 During CPU operation and PLL operation. 4.5 5.5 V VDD2 While the CPU is operating and the PLL is stopped. 3.5 5.5 V Cycle Time: TCY ≥ 0.89 µs VDD3 While the CPU is operating and the PLL is stopped. 4.5 5.5 V Cycle Time: TCY = 0.44 µs |
Similar Part No. - UPD178004A |
Similar Description - UPD178004A |
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