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CD4066 Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Intersil Corporation |
CD4066 Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - Intersil Corporation |
4 / 9 page 7-969 Specifications CD4066BMS Control Input High Voltage (See Figure 2) VIHC10 VDD = 10V, VIS = VDD or GND 2 +25oC, +125oC, -55oC 7- V Propagation Delay Signal Input to Signal Output TPLH TPHL VDD = 10V 1, 2, 3 +25oC - 20 ns VDD = 15V 1, 2, 3 +25oC - 15 ns Propagation Delay Turn-On, Turn-Off TPHZ/ZH TPLZ/ZL VDD = 10V 1, 2, 3 +25oC - 40 ns VDD = 15V 1, 2, 3 +25oC - 30 ns Input Capacitance CIN Any Input 1, 2 +25oC - 7.5 pF NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to device GND. 2. The parameters listed on Table 3 are controlled via design or process and are not directly tested. These parameters are characterized on initial design release and upon design changes which would affect these characteristics. 3. CL = 50pF, RL = 200K, Input TR, TF < 20ns. TABLE 4. POST IRRADIATION ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS NOTES TEMPERATURE LIMITS UNITS MIN MAX Supply Current IDD VDD = 20V, VIN = VDD or GND 1, 4 +25oC- 25 µA N Threshold Voltage VNTH VDD = 10V, ISS = -10 µA 1, 4 +25oC -2.8 -0.2 V N Threshold Voltage Delta ∆VTN VDD = 10V, ISS = -10 µA 1, 4 +25oC- ±1V P Threshold Voltage VTP VSS = 0V, IDD = 10 µA 1, 4 +25oC 0.2 2.8 V P Threshold Voltage Delta ∆VTP VSS = 0V, IDD = 10 µA 1, 4 +25oC- ±1V Functional F VDD = 18V, VIN = VDD or GND 1 +25oC VOH > VDD/2 VOL < VDD/2 V VDD = 3V, VIN = VDD or GND Propagation Delay Time TPHL TPLH VDD = 5V 1, 2, 3, 4 +25oC - 1.35 x +25oC Limit ns NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to device GND. 2. CL = 50pF, RL = 200K, Input TR, TF < 20ns. 3. See Table 2 for +25oC limit. 4. Read and Record TABLE 5. BURN-IN AND LIFE TEST DELTA PARAMETERS +25OC PARAMETER SYMBOL DELTA LIMIT Supply Current - SSI IDD ±0.1µA ON Resistance RONDEL10 ± 20% x Pre-Test Reading TABLE 6. APPLICABLE SUBGROUPS CONFORMANCE GROUP MIL-STD-883 METHOD GROUP A SUBGROUPS READ AND RECORD Initial Test (Pre Burn-In) 100% 5004 1, 7, 9 IDD, IOL5, IOH5A, RONDEL10 Interim Test 1 (Post Burn-In) 100% 5004 1, 7, 9 IDD, IOL5, IOH5A, RONDEL10 Interim Test 2 (Post Burn-In) 100% 5004 1, 7, 9 IDD, IOL5, IOH5A, RONDEL10 PDA (Note 1) 100% 5004 1, 7, 9, Deltas Interim Test 3 (Post Burn-In) 100% 5004 1, 7, 9 IDD, IOL5, IOH5A, RONDEL10 PDA (Note 1) 100% 5004 1, 7, 9, Deltas TABLE 3. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS NOTES TEMPERATURE LIMITS UNITS MIN MAX |
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