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BN87C51FB Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Intel Corporation |
BN87C51FB Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Intel Corporation |
14 / 18 page AUTOMOTIVE 87C51FAFBFCFC-20 AC TESTING INPUT OUTPUT WAVEFORMS 270961 – 17 AC Inputs during testing are driven at VCCb05V for a Logic ‘‘1’’ and 045V for a Logic ‘‘0’’ Timing measurements are made at VIH min for a Logic ‘‘1’’ and VIL max for a Logic ‘‘0’’ FLOAT WAVEFORMS 270961 – 18 For timing purposes a port pin is no longer floating when a 100 mV change from load voltage occurs and begins to float when a 100 mV change from the loaded VOH VOL level occurs IOL IOH t g20 mA Table 3 EPROM Programming Modes Mode RST PSEN ALE EA P26 P27 P33 P36 P37 PROG VPP Program Code Data H L 1275V L H H H H Verify Code Data H L H H L L L H H Program Encryption H L 1275V L H H L H Array Address 0 – 3FH Program Lock Bit 1 H L 1275V H H H H H Bits Bit 2 H L 1275V H H H L L Bit 3 H L 1275V H L H H L Read Signature Byte H L H H L L L L L DEFINITION OF TERMS (EPROM PROGRAMMING) ADDRESS LINES P10 – P17 P20 – P25 P34 – P35 respectively for A0 – A13 DATA LINES P00 – P07 for D0 – D7 CONTROL SIGNALS RST PSEN P26 P27 P33 P36 P37 PROGRAM SIGNALS ALEPROG EA VPP PROGRAMMING THE EPROM The part must be running with a 4 MHz to 6 MHz oscillator The address of an EPROM location to be programmed is applied to address lines while the code byte to be programmed in that location is ap- plied to data lines Control and program signals must be held at the levels indicated in Table 3 Normally EA VPP is held at logic high until just before ALE PROG is to be pulsed The EA VPP is raised to VPP ALEPROG is pulsed low and then EA VPP is re- turned to a high (also refer to timing diagrams) NOTE Exceeding the VPP maximum for any amount of time could damage the device permanently The VPP source must be well regulated and free of glitches 14 |
Similar Part No. - BN87C51FB |
Similar Description - BN87C51FB |
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