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IDT72421 Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT72421 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
5 / 14 page 5 COMMERCIALANDINDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURERANGES IDT72421/72201/72211/72221/72231/72241/72251 CMOS SyncFIFO™ 64 x 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1,024 x 9, 2,048 x 9, 4,096 x 9 and 8,192 x 9 OUTPUT ENABLE ( OE) When Output Enable ( OE) is enabled (LOW), the parallel output buffers receive data from the output register. When Output Enable ( OE) is disabled (HIGH), the Q output data bus is in a high-impedance state. WRITE ENABLE 2/LOAD (WEN2/ LD) This is a dual-purpose pin. The FIFO is configured at Reset to have programmableflagsortohavetwowriteenables,whichallowsdepthexpansion. If Write Enable 2/Load (WEN2/ LD) is set HIGH at Reset (RS = LOW), this pin operates as a second write enable pin. If the FIFO is configured to have two write enables, when Write Enable ( WEN1) is LOW and Write Enable 2/Load (WEN2/LD) is HIGH, data can be loaded into the input register and RAM array on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of every Write Clock (WCLK). Data is stored in the RAM array sequentially and independently of any ongoing read operation. In this configuration, when Write Enable ( WEN1) is HIGH and/or Write Enable 2/Load (WEN2/ LD)isLOW,theinputregisterholdsthepreviousdata and no new data is allowed to be loaded into the register. To prevent data overflow, the Full Flag ( FF) will go LOW, inhibiting further write operations. Upon the completion of a valid read cycle, the Full Flag ( FF) will go HIGH after tWFF, allowing a valid write to begin. Write Enable 1 ( WEN1) and Write Enable 2/Load (WEN2/ LD) are ignored when the FIFO is full. TheFIFOisconfiguredtohaveprogrammableflagswhentheWriteEnable 2/Load (WEN2/ LD) is set LOW at Reset (RS=LOW). The IDT72421/72201/ 72211/72221/72231/72241/72251 devices contain four 8-bit offset registers whichcanbeloadedwithdataontheinputs,orreadontheoutputs. SeeFigure 3 for details of the size of the registers and the default values. IftheFIFOisconfiguredtohaveprogrammableflagswhentheWriteEnable 1( WEN1)andWriteEnable2/Load(WEN2/LD)aresetLOW,dataontheinputs DiswrittenintotheEmpty(LeastSignificantBit)OffsetregisteronthefirstLOW- to-HIGHtransitionoftheWriteClock(WCLK). DataiswrittenintotheEmpty(Most SignificantBit)OffsetregisteronthesecondLOW-to-HIGHtransitionoftheWrite Clock (WCLK), into the Full (Least Significant Bit) Offset register on the third transition, and into the Full (Most Significant Bit) Offset register on the fourth transition. ThefifthtransitionoftheWriteClock(WCLK)againwritestotheEmpty (LeastSignificantBit)Offsetregister. However,writingalloffsetregistersdoesnothavetooccuratonetime. One or two offset registers can be written and then by bringing the Write Enable 2/ Load (WEN2/ LD) pin HIGH, the FIFO is returned to normal read/write operation. WhentheWriteEnable2/Load(WEN2/ LD)pinissetLOW,theWrite Enable 1 ( WEN1) is LOW, the next offset register in sequence is written. SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS INPUTS: DATA IN (D0 - D8) Data inputs for 9-bit wide data. CONTROLS: RESET ( RS) Reset is accomplished whenever the Reset ( RS) input is taken to a LOW state. During reset, both internal read and write pointers are set to the first location. A reset is required after power-up before a write operation can take place. TheFullFlag(FF)andProgrammableAlmost-Fullflag( PAF)willbereset to HIGH after tRSF. The Empty Flag (EF) and Programmable Almost-Empty flag (PAE) will be reset to LOW after tRSF. During reset, the output register is initializedtoallzerosandtheoffsetregistersareinitializedtotheirdefaultvalues. WRITE CLOCK (WCLK) A write cycle is initiated on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Write Clock (WCLK). DatasetupandholdtimesmustbemetinrespecttotheLOW-to-HIGH transition of WCLK. The Full Flag ( FF) and Programmable Almost-Full flag ( PAF)aresynchronizedwithrespecttotheLOW-to-HIGHtransitionofWCLK. The Write and Read Clocks can be asynchronous or coincident. WRITE ENABLE 1 ( WEN1) If the FIFO is configured for programmable flags, Write Enable 1 ( WEN1) istheonlyenablecontrolpin. Inthisconfiguration,whenWriteEnable1( WEN1) is LOW, data can be loaded into the input register and RAM array on the LOW- to-HIGHtransitionofeveryWriteClock(WCLK). DataisstoredintheRAMarray sequentially and independently of any ongoing read operation. Inthisconfiguration,whenWriteEnable1( WEN1)isHIGH,theinputregister holdsthepreviousdataandnonewdataisallowedtobeloadedintotheregister. If the FIFO is configured to have two write enables, which allows for depth expansion, there are two enable control pins. See Write Enable 2 paragraph below for operation in this configuration. To prevent data overflow, the Full Flag ( FF) will go LOW, inhibiting further write operations. Upon the completion of a valid read cycle, the Full Flag ( FF) will go HIGH after tWFF, allowing a valid write to begin. Write Enable 1 ( WEN1) is ignored when the FIFO is full. READ CLOCK (RCLK) DatacanbereadontheoutputsontheLOW-to-HIGHtransitionoftheRead Clock (RCLK). The Empty Flag ( EF) and Programmable Almost-Empty flag ( PAE)aresynchronizedwithrespecttotheLOW-to-HIGHtransitionofRCLK. The Write and Read Clocks can be asynchronous or coincident. READ ENABLES ( REN1, REN2) When both Read Enables ( REN1, REN2) are LOW, data is read from the RAM array to the output register on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Read Clock (RCLK). WheneitherReadEnable( REN1,REN2)isHIGH,theoutputregisterholds the previous data and no new data is allowed to be loaded into the register. When all the data has been read from the FIFO, the Empty Flag ( EF) will go LOW, inhibiting further read operations. Once a valid write operation has been accomplished, the Empty Flag ( EF) will go HIGH after tREF and a valid read can begin. The Read Enables ( REN1,REN2)areignoredwhentheFIFO isempty. LD WEN1 WCLK Selection 0 0 EmptyOffset(LSB) Empty Offset (MSB) Full Offset (LSB) Full Offset (MSB) 0 1 No Operation 1 0 Write Into FIFO 1 1 No Operation NOTE: 1. For the purposes of this table, WEN2 = VIH. 2. The same selection sequence applies to reading from the registers. REN1 and REN2 are enabled and read is performed on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of RCLK. Figure 2. Write Offset Register |
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