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AT45DB021A Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - ATMEL Corporation

Part # AT45DB021A
Description  Optional Page and Block Erase Operations
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Manufacturer  ATMEL [ATMEL Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.atmel.com
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AT45DB021A Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - ATMEL Corporation

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The CS pin must remain low during the loading of the
opcode, the address bits, the don’t care bits, and the read-
ing of data. When the end of a page in main memory is
reached during a Continuous Array Read, the device will
continue reading at the beginning of the next page with no
delays incurred during the page boundary crossover (the
crossover from the end of one page to the beginning of the
next page). When the last bit in the main memory array has
been read, the device will continue reading back at the
beginning of the first page of memory. As with crossing
over page boundaries, no delays will be incurred when
wrapping around from the end of the array to the beginning
of the array.
A low-to-high transition on the CS pin will terminate the
read operation and tri-state the SO pin. The maximum SCK
frequency allowable for the Continuous Array Read is
defined by the fCAR specification. The Continuous Array
Read bypasses both data buffers and leaves the contents
of the buffers unchanged.
BURST ARRAY READ: The Burst Array Read operation
functions almost identically to the Continuous Array Read
operation but allows much higher read throughputs by uti-
lizing faster clock frequencies. The Burst Array Read
command allows the device to burst an entire page of data
out at the maximum SCK frequency defined by the f
parameter. Differences between the Burst Array Read and
Continuous Array Read operations are limited to timing
only. The opcodes utilized and the opcode and addressing
sequence for the Burst Array Read are identical to the Con-
tinuous Array Read. The opcode of 68H or E8H must be
clocked into the device followed by the 24 address bits and
32 don’t care bits. Following the 32 don’t care bits, addi-
tional clock pulses on the SCK pin will result in serial data
being output on the SO (serial output) pin.
As with the Continuous Array Read, the CS pin must
remain low during the loading of the opcode, the address
bits, the don’t care bits, and the reading of data. During a
Burst Array Read, when the end of a page in main memory
is reached (the last bit of the page has been clocked out),
the system must delay the next SCK pulse by a minimum
time of t
BRBD. This delay is necessary to allow the device
enough time to cross over the burst read boundary, which
is defined as the end of one page in memory to the begin-
ning of the next page. When the last bit in the main memory
array has been read, the device will continue reading back
at the beginning of the first page of memory. The transition
from the last bit of the array back to the beginning of the
array is also considered a burst read boundary. Therefore,
the system must delay the SCK pulse that will be used to
read the first bit of the memory array by a minimum time of
A low-to-high transition on the CS pin will terminate the
read operation and tri-state the SO pin. The maximum SCK
frequency allowable for the Burst Array Read is defined by
the fBAR specification. The Burst Array Read bypasses both
data buffers and leaves the contents of the buffers
MAIN MEMORY PAGE READ: A Main Memory Page Read
allows the user to read data directly from any one of the
1024 pages in the main memory, bypassing both of the
data buffers and leaving the contents of the buffers
unchanged. To start a page read, an opcode of 52H or D2H
must be clocked into the device followed by 24 address bits
and 32 don’t care bits. The first five bits of the 24-bit
address sequence are reserved bits, the next 10 address
bits (PA9 - PA0) specify the page address, and the next
nine address bits (BA8 - BA0) specify the starting byte
address within the page. The 32 don’t care bits which fol-
low the 24 address bits are sent to initialize the read
operation. Following the 32 don’t care bits, additional
pulses on SCK result in serial data being output on the SO
(serial output) pin. The CS pin must remain low during the
loading of the opcode, the address bits, the don’t care bits
and the reading of data. When the end of a page in main
memory is reached during a Main Memory Page Read, the
device will continue reading at the beginning of the same
page. A low-to-high transition on the CS pin will terminate
the read operation and tri-state the SO pin.
BUFFER READ: Data can be read from either one of the
two buffers, using different opcodes to specify which buffer
to read from. An opcode of 54H or D4H is used to read data
from buffer 1, and an opcode of 56H or D6H is used to read
data from buffer 2. To perform a Buffer Read, the eight bits
of the opcode must be followed by 15 don’t care bits, nine
address bits, and eight don’t care bits. Since the buffer size
is 264-bytes, nine address bits (BFA8-BFA0) are required
to specify the first byte of data to be read from the buffer.
The CS pin must remain low during the loading of the
opcode, the address bits, the don’t care bits and the read-
ing of data. When the end of a buffer is reached, the device
will continue reading back at the beginning of the buffer. A
low-to-high transition on the CS pin will terminate the read
operation and tri-state the SO pin.
STATUS REGISTER READ: The status register can be
used to determine the device’s ready/busy status, the
result of a Main Memory Page to Buffer Compare opera-
tion, or the device density. To read the status register, an
opcode of 57H or D7H must be loaded into the device.
After the last bit of the opcode is shifted in, the eight bits of
the status register, starting with the MSB (bit 7), will be
shifted out on the SO pin during the next eight clock cycles.
The five most-significant bits of the status register will con-
tain device information, while the remaining three least-
significant bits are reserved for future use and will have
undefined values. After bit 0 of the status register has been
shifted out, the sequence will repeat itself (as long as CS
remains low and SCK is being toggled) starting again with
bit 7. The data in the status register is constantly updated,
so each repeating sequence will output new data.

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