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AT42QT1111-AU Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - ATMEL Corporation

Part # AT42QT1111-AU
Description  11-key QTouch Touch Sensor IC
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Manufacturer  ATMEL [ATMEL Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.atmel.com
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AT42QT1111-AU Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - ATMEL Corporation

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Address 2: Detect Integrator Limit (DIL)/Drift Hold Time (DHT)
DIL: the detection integrator (DI) limit. To suppress false detections caused by spurious events like electrical noise,
the device incorporates a DI counter mechanism. A per-key counter is incremented each time the channel has
exceeded its threshold and stayed there for a number of acquisitions in succession, without going below the
threshold level. When this counter reaches a preset limit the channel is finally declared to be touched. If on any
acquisition the delta is not seen to exceed the threshold level, the counter is cleared and the process has to start
from the beginning. Similarly, when a touch is removed the key is counted out of touch by the DI counter.
A setting of 0 for DI is invalid; the valid range is 1 to 15.
DHT: the drift hold time. After a key-touch has been removed, the QT1111 pauses in the implementation of its “Drift”
compensation for a time. After this time has expired, drift compensation continues as normal. The drift timer
continues from the value at which it was “paused” at the start of the Drift Hold Time. The Drift Hold Time is a multiple
of 160 ms, providing options from 0 to 2400 ms.
Default DIL value:
Default DHT value:
8 (1280 ms)
Address 3: Positive Threshold (PTHR)/Positive Hysteresis (PHYST)
PTHR: the positive threshold for the signal. If a key signal is significantly higher than the reference signal, this
typically indicates that the calibration data is no longer valid. In other words, some factor has changed since the
calibration was carried out, thus rendering it invalid. Generally this is compensated for by the drift, but the greater the
difference the longer this will take. In order to speed up this correction, the positive threshold is used: if the positive
threshold is exceeded, the QT1111 (that is, all keys) is recalibrated.
PHYST: positive hysteresis. This setting provides a greater degree of control over the implementation of the positive
threshold recalibration. The positive hysteresis operates as a “modifier” for the positive threshold. When a key signal
is detected as being over the positive threshold, the positive threshold is reduced by a factor corresponding to the
positive hysteresis so that the key will not go in and out of positive detection when the signal is on the borderline
between drift-compensation of a positive error or recalibration.
The settings for positive hysteresis are:
00 = No change to positive threshold
01 = 12.5% reduction in positive-detect threshold
10 = 25% reduction in positive-detect threshold
11 = 37.5% reduction in positive-detect threshold
Default PTHR value:
4 (4 counts above reference)
Default PHYST value:
2 (25% positive hysteresis)
Table 7-4.
Detect Integrator/Drift Hold Time
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Table 7-5.
Positive Threshold (THR)/Positive Hystereis (HYST)
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0

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