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AT42QT1111-AU Datasheet(PDF) 20 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
AT42QT1111-AU Datasheet(HTML) 20 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
20 / 50 page 20 AT42QT1111-MU / AT42QT1111-AU [DATASHEET] 9571C–AT42–05/2013 4.11 Signal Processing 4.11.1 Detection Integrator The device features a detection integration mechanism, which acts to confirm a detection in a robust fashion. A per- key counter is incremented each time the key has exceeded its threshold. When this counter reaches a preset limit the key is finally declared to be touched. For example, if the DI limit is set to 10, then a key signal must fall by more than the key threshold, and remain below that level for 10 acquisitions, before the key is declared to be touched. Similarly, the DI is applied to a key that is going out of detect: it must take 10 acquisitions where the signal has not exceeded its detect threshold before it is declared to leave touch. 4.11.2 Burst Length Limitations The maximum burst length is 2048 pulses. The recommended design is to use a capacitor that gives a signal of <1000 pulses. The number of pulses in the burst can be obtained by reading the key signal (that is, the number of pulses to complete measurement of the key signal) over the SPI interface (see Section 6.8 on page 25). Alternatively, a scope can be used to measure the entire burst, and then the burst length divided by the time for a single pulse. Note that the keys are independent of each other. It is therefore possible, for example, to have a signal of 100 on one key and a signal of 1000 on another. 4.11.3 Adjacent Key Suppression Technology The device includes the Atmel patented Adjacent Key Suppression (AKS) technology to allow the use of tightly spaced keys on a keypad with no loss of selectability by the user. AKS is enabled or disabled for each key individually; only one key out of those enabled for AKS may be reported as touched at any one time. The first key touched dominates and stays in detect until it is released, even if another stronger key is reported. Once it is released, the next strongest key is reported. If two keys are simultaneously detected, the strongest key is reported, allowing a user to slide a finger across multiple keys with only the dominant key reporting touch. Each key can be enabled for AKS processing via the AKS mask (see Section 7.11 on page 32). Keys outside the group of enabled keys may be in detect simultaneously. |
Similar Part No. - AT42QT1111-AU_14 |
Similar Description - AT42QT1111-AU_14 |
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