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HSDL-1001 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) |
HSDL-1001 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) |
6 / 8 page ![]() 6 Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions Receiver Data Logic Low[2] VOL(RXD)[1,2] 0.4 V For in-band EI ≥ 3.6 µ Output Voltage W/cm2, ϕ1/ 2 ≤ 15° Logic High VOH(RXD) VCC-0.6 V Iο = -20 µA, for in-band EI ≤ 0.3 µW/cm2 Receiver Field Twice Half- 2 ϕ1/ 2 30 ° Half-angle, ϕ1/ 2, is the of View Angle angle where receiver sensitivity = 3.6 µW/cm2. Receiver Peak λp(EI) 880 nm Sensitivity Wavelength Effective Detector 0.16 cm2 Area Transmitter Logic High IEH ILEDA = 240 mA, VI = 2.5 V Radiant Intensity Intensity 55 mW/SR TA = 25°C 44 109 250 mW/SR 0 °C ≤ T A ≤ 70°C Peak λp(IE) 875 nm Wavelength Spectral Line ∆λ1/ 2 35 nm Half Width Transmitter Field Twice Half- 2 θ1/ 2 30 60 ° Half-angle, θ1/ 2, is the angle of Emission Angle where radiant intensity = 44 mW/SR. Transmitter Data Logic Low IIL(TXD) -1.0 5.0 µA0 ≤ V I ≤ 0.8 V Input Current Logic High IIH(TXD) 40 100 µAV I = 2.5 V 125 250 µAV I = 5.0 V LED Anode On VON(LEDA) 2.1 2.50 V ILEDA = 240 mA, State Voltage Tj = 25°C LED Anode Off ILK(LEDA) <0.2 10 µAV LEDA = VCC = 5.5 V, State Leakage VI = 0.3 V Supply Current Idle ICC1 190 260 µAV CC = 3.6 V 210 290 µAV CC = 5.5 V, EI = EIIL, VI (TXD) = VIL Active ICC2 0.22 25 mA VCC = 5.5 V, Receiver EI = EIIH, VI(TXD) = VIL Active ICC3 10 mA VCC = 5.5 V, Transmitter EI = EIIL, VI(TXD) = VIH Shutdown ICC(SD) 3 14 µAV CC = 3.6 V 520 µAV CC = 5.5 V, EI = EIIL, VI(TXD) = VIL, VSD = VIH Shutdown Logic High IIH(SD) 2.5 10 µAV CC = 5.5 volts Input Current VSD = 5.5 volts IIH(SD) 2 8 µAV CC = 3.6 volts VSD = 3.6 volts Logic Low IIL(SD) -1.0 1 µA 3.0 V ≤ V CC ≤ 5.5 V 0 V ≤ V SD ≤ 0.8 V Notes: 1. Pulsed Response — Logic Low is a pulsed response. A receiver output low state VOL(RXD) is not indefinitely maintained but is instead a pulsed response. The output low state is maintained for a duration dependent on the incident bit pattern and incident intensity (EI). 2. The EI ≥ 3.6 µW/cm2 condition guarantees the IrDA minimum receiver sensitivity of 4.0 µW/cm2 while allowing for 10% light loss through a cosmetic window placed in front of the HSDL-1001. Electrical & Optical Specifications Specifications hold over 3.0 V ≤ V CC ≤ 5.5 V and 0°C ≤ TA ≤ 70°C and all typicals are at VCC = 5.0 V and TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified. Listed conditions represent worst case values for the parameters under test. Unspecified test conditions can be anywhere in their recommended operating range. |
Similar Part No. - HSDL-1001 |
Similar Description - HSDL-1001 |
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