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HSDL-1000 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) |
HSDL-1000 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) |
10 / 10 page ![]() 4-42 MIL-STD-883 Units Total Test Name Reference Test Conditions Tested Failed Solder Heat (IR Profile) See absolute profile 60 0 Solder Heat Resistance 3 times thru IR Profile + 20 Temp. Cycles 60 0 Solder Rework Cycle Solder iron tip temp. 370 °C/700°F17 0 Time per lead 1 second # of rework cycles = 4 Temperature Cycle 1010 -40 °C to +100°C, Dwell = 15 Minutes Transfer = 5 Minutes 20 Cycles 120 0 100 Cycles 120 0 Power Temp. Cycle -40 °C/+100°C, Dwell = 15 minutes, 60 0 Transfer = 5 Minutes, VCC = 5 Vdc, If = 100 mAdc, LED On/Off = 1 Second Total Cycles = 35 Mechanical Shock 2002 2 Blows each X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2 10 0 Condition B 1500 G’s, 0.5 msec Pulse Vibration Variable 2007 (4) 4 Minute Cycles, X, Y, Z 10 0 Frequency Condition A at 50 G’s Min., 20 to 2,000 Hz Resistance to Solvents 2015 3 one minute immersion 20 0 Brush after solvent High Temp. Operating TA= 70°C, If = 100 mAdc, VCC = 5 Vdc, 60 0 Life Time = 500 hours Low Temp. Opearting Life TA = 0°C, If = 100 mAdc, VCC = 5 Vdc 60 0 Time = 500 hours Wet Operating Life TA = 35°C, R.H., = 85% If = 100 mAdc 60 0 VCC = 5 VCC, Time = 500 hours ESD - Human Body Model 3015 RI = 1500 Ohms, C = 100 µF10 0 Level = 4000 V ESD - Machine Model EIAJ Rload = 0 Ohms, C = 200 µF10 0 Level = 300 V HSDL-1000 Reliability Test Results Rx TH+ (Receiver On- Threshold) The maximum receiver on- threshold is equivalent to the minimum receiver sensitivity. Both are terms for the amount of light signal which must be present at the HSDL-1000 detector in order to trigger a low pulse on the receiver output (RXD). The IrDA Physical Layer Specification requires a minimum receiver sensitivity of 4.0 µW/cm2, at a Bit Error Rate of 10-9, and in the presence of the 10 klux of sunlight, 0-1000 lux of fluorescent light, or 0-1000 lux of incandes- cent light. The fluorescent and incandescent specifications require minimum receiver sensitivity with 1000 lux incident onto the horizontal surface of the IR link. The resulting amount of fluorescent or incandescent light actually reaching the detector surface may vary between 0 and 500 lux depending upon the design of the housing around the HSDL-1000 module. The HSDL-1000 VOL(RXD) specification guarantees a maximum receiver on-threshold of EI = 3.6 µW/cm2, at a BER ≤ 10-9, and T A = 0-70°C. The EI = 3.6 µW/cm2 threshold guarantees the IrDA minimum receiver sensitivity of 4.0 µW/cm2, while allowing for 10% light loss through a cosmetic window placed in front of the HSDL-1000. The EI = 3.6 µW/cm2 threshold also guarantees receiver sensitivity with 10 klux of sunlight, 0-500 lux fluorescent light, or 0-500 lux of incandescent light incident on the HSDL-1000 detector surface. Note: At the time of this publication, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) that are contained in this product are regulated for eye safety in Europe by the Commission for European Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) EN60825-1. Please refer to Application Briefs I-008, I-009, I-015 for more information. |
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