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AT32UC3A0512 Datasheet(PDF) 92 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
AT32UC3A0512 Datasheet(HTML) 92 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
92 / 98 page 92 AT32UC3A 2. The RTC CLKEN bit (bit number 16) of CTRL register is not available. Fix/Workaround Do not use the CLKEN bit of the RTC on Rev E. 15.5.14 OCD 1. Stalled memory access instruction writeback fails if followed by a HW breakpoint. Consider the following assembly code sequence: A B If a hardware breakpoint is placed on instruction B, and instruction A is a memory access instruction, register file updates from instruction A can be discarded. Fix/Workaround Do not place hardware breakpoints, use software breakpoints instead. Alternatively, place a hardware breakpoint on the instruction before the memory access instruction and then single step over the memory access instruction. 15.5.15 PDCA 1. Wrong PDCA behavior when using two PDCA channels with the same PID. Workaround/fix The same PID should not be assigned to more than one channel. 15.5.16 TWI 1. The TWI RXRDY flag in SR register is not reset when a software reset is performed. Fix/Workaround After a Software Reset, the register TWI RHR must be read. 32058KS–AVR32–01/12 |
Similar Part No. - AT32UC3A0512_14 |
Similar Description - AT32UC3A0512_14 |
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