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AT32UC3A0512 Datasheet(PDF) 90 Page - ATMEL Corporation

Part # AT32UC3A0512
Description  High Performance, Low Power 32-Bit Atmel AVR Microcontroller
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Manufacturer  ATMEL [ATMEL Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.atmel.com
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AT32UC3A0512 Datasheet(HTML) 90 Page - ATMEL Corporation

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In PLL0/1 Control register, the bit 7 should be set in order to prevent unexpected behaviour.
Peripheral Bus A maximum frequency is 33MHz instead of 66MHz.
Do not set PBA frequency higher than 33 MHz.
PCx pins go low in stop mode
In sleep mode stop all PCx pins will be controlled by GPIO module instead of oscillators.
This can cause drive contention on the XINx in worst case.
Before entering stop mode set all PCx pins to input and GPIO controlled.
On some rare parts, the maximum HSB and CPU speed is 50MHz instead of 66MHz.
Do not set the HSB/CPU speed higher than 50MHz when the firmware generate exceptions.
If the BOD level is higher than VDDCORE, the part is constantly under reset
If the BOD level is set to a value higher than VDDCORE and enabled by fuses, the part will
be in constant reset.
Apply an external voltage on VDDCORE that is higher than the BOD level and is lower than
VDDCORE max and disable the BOD.
System Timer mask (Bit 16) of the PM CPUMASK register is not available.
Do not use this bit.
HMatrix fixed priority arbitration does not work
Fixed priority arbitration does not work.
Use Round-Robin arbitration instead.
ADC possible miss on DRDY when disabling a channel
The ADC does not work properly when more than one channel is enabled.
Do not use the ADC with more than one channel enabled at a time.
ADC OVRE flag sometimes not reset on Status Register read
The OVRE flag does not clear properly if read simultaneously to an end of conversion.
Sleep Mode activation needs additional A to D conversion

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