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AT32UC3A0512 Datasheet(PDF) 86 Page - ATMEL Corporation

Part # AT32UC3A0512
Description  High Performance, Low Power 32-Bit Atmel AVR Microcontroller
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Manufacturer  ATMEL [ATMEL Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.atmel.com
Logo ATMEL - ATMEL Corporation

AT32UC3A0512 Datasheet(HTML) 86 Page - ATMEL Corporation

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USB No end of host reset signaled upon disconnection
In host mode, in case of an unexpected device disconnection whereas a usb reset is being
sent by the usb controller, the UHCON.RESET bit may not been cleared by the hardware at
the end of the reset.
A software workaround consists in testing (by polling or interrupt) the disconnection
(UHINT.DDISCI == 1) while waiting for the end of reset (UHCON.RESET == 0) to avoid
being stuck.
USBFSM and UHADDR1/2/3 registers are not available.
Do not use USBFSM register.
Do not use USBFSM register and use HCON[6:0] field instead for all the pipes.
Processor and Architecture
Incorrect Processor ID
The processor ID reads 0x01 and not 0x02 as it should.
Bus error should be masked in Debug mode
If a bus error occurs during debug mode, the processor will not respond to debug com-
mands through the DINST register.
A reset of the device will make the CPU respond to debug commands again.
Read Modify Write (RMW) instructions on data outside the internal RAM does not
Read Modify Write (RMW) instructions on data outside the internal RAM does not work.
Do not perform RMW instructions on data outside the internal RAM.
CRC calculation of a locked device will calculate CRC for 512 kB of flash memory,
even though the part has less flash.
The flash address space is wrapping, so it is possible to use the CRC value by calculating
CRC of the flash content concatenated with itself N times. Where N is 512 kB/flash size.
Need two NOPs instruction after instructions masking interrupts
The instructions following in the pipeline the instruction masking the interrupt through SR
may behave abnormally.
Place two NOPs instructions after each SSRF or MTSR instruction setting IxM or GM in SR.

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