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SI8660BA-B-IS1 Datasheet(PDF) 26 Page - Silicon Laboratories |
SI8660BA-B-IS1 Datasheet(HTML) 26 Page - Silicon Laboratories |
26 / 40 page 26 Rev. 1.5 Si8660/61/62/63 3.3. Layout Recommendations To ensure safety in the end user application, high voltage circuits (i.e., circuits with >30 VAC) must be physically separated from the safety extra-low voltage circuits (SELV is a circuit with <30 VAC) by a certain distance (creepage/clearance). If a component, such as a digital isolator, straddles this isolation barrier, it must meet those creepage/clearance requirements and also provide a sufficiently large high-voltage breakdown protection rating (commonly referred to as working voltage protection). Table 5 on page 17 and Table 6 on page 18 detail the working voltage and creepage/clearance capabilities of the Si86xx. These tables also detail the component standards (UL1577, IEC60747, CSA 5A), which are readily accepted by certification bodies to provide proof for end-system specifications requirements. Refer to the end-system specification (61010-1, 60950-1, 60601-1, etc.) requirements before starting any design that uses a digital isolator. 3.3.1. Supply Bypass The Si866x family requires a 0.1 µF bypass capacitor between VDD1 and GND1 and VDD2 and GND2. The capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the package. To enhance the robustness of a design, the user may also include resistors (50–300 ) in series with the inputs and outputs if the system is excessively noisy. 3.3.2. Output Pin Termination The nominal output impedance of an isolator driver channel is approximately 50 , ±40%, which is a combination of the value of the on-chip series termination resistor and channel resistance of the output driver FET. When driving loads where transmission line effects will be a factor, output pins should be appropriately terminated with controlled impedance PCB traces. 3.4. Fail-Safe Operating Mode Si86xx devices feature a selectable (by ordering option) mode whereby the default output state (when the input supply is unpowered) can either be a logic high or logic low when the output supply is powered. See Table 12 on page 24 and "5. Ordering Guide" on page 30 for more information. |
Similar Part No. - SI8660BA-B-IS1 |
Similar Description - SI8660BA-B-IS1 |
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