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ZXRD1050PQ16 Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Diodes Incorporated

Part # ZXRD1050PQ16
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Manufacturer  DIODES [Diodes Incorporated]
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ZXRD1050PQ16 Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Diodes Incorporated

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Applications (continued)
Low Battery Flag
The low battery flag threshold can be set by the user
to trip at a level determined by the equation:
= 1.25 (1 +
RD is recommended to be 10k where RC and RD are
connected as follows:
Hysteresis is typically 20mV at the LBSET pin.
Current Limit
A current limit is set by the low value resistor in the
output path, RSENSE. Since the resistor is only used for
overload current limit, it does not need to be accurate
and can hence be a low cost device.
The value of the current limit is set by using the
(A) =
A graph of Current Limit v RSENSE is shown in the
typical characteristics. This should assist in the
selection of RSENSE appropriate to application.
If desired, RSENSE can also be on the input supply side.
When used on the input side RSENSE should be in series
with the upper output device (i.e. in series with the
drain or source in N and P channel solutions
respectively).Typically in this configuration RSENSE will
be 20m .
Hiccup Time Constant
The hiccup circuit (at the ’delay’ pin) provides overload
protection for the solution. The threshold of the hiccup
mode is determined by the value of RSENSE, When
>50mV is developed across the sense resistor, the
hiccup circuit is triggered, inhibiting the device.
It will stay in this state depending upon the time
constant of the resistor and capacitor connected at the
’delay’ pin.
In order to keep the dissipation down
under overload conditions it is recommended the
circuit be off for approximately 100ms. If for other
application reasons this is too long an off period, this
can be reduced at least by 10:1, care needs to be taken
that any increased dissipation in the external MOSFET
is still acceptable. The resistor capacitor combination
R1,C1 recommended in the applications circuits
provides a delay of 100ms.
Soft Start & Loop Stability
Soft start is determined by the time constant of the
capacitor and resistor C7 and R3. Typically a good
starting point is C7 = 22
µF and R3 = 24k for fixed
voltage variants. For fully adjustable variants see
Optimising for Transient Response later in the
applications section. This network also helps provide
good loop stability.
Low Quiescent Shutdown
Shutdown control is provided via the SHDN pin,
putting the device in to a low quiescent sleep mode.
In some circumstances where rapid sequencing of VCC
can occur (when VCC is turned off and back on) and VCC
has a very rapid rise time (100-200ms) timing conflicts
can occur.

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