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ZXRD1033PQ16 Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - Diodes Incorporated

Part # ZXRD1033PQ16
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Manufacturer  DIODES [Diodes Incorporated]
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ZXRD1033PQ16 Datasheet(HTML) 24 Page - Diodes Incorporated

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N channel devices offer high efficiency
performance for switching applications.
This fami ly of MOSFETs from Zetex offers a
combination of low on-resistance and low gate charge,
providing optimum performance and high efficiency
for switching applications such as DC - DC conversion.
On resistance is low across the family, from only 40m
(max) for the ZXM64N02X part up to 180m
Ω (max) for
the ZXM61N02F. This means that on-state losses are
minimised, improving efficiency in low frequency drive
applications. Threshold voltages of 0.7V and 1V
minimum allow the MOSFETs to be driven from low
voltage sources.
To minimise switching losses, and hence increase the
efficiency of high frequency operation, gate charge (Qg)
is small. The maximum Qg varies from 3.4nC to 16nC
depending on which device is chosen. Crss (Miller
capacitance) is also low, e.g. typically 30pF for the
ZXM6203E6 device. This results in better efficiency in
high frequency applications.
P channel MOSFETs excel in load
switching applications.
The P-channel MOSFETs offer highly efficient
pe rforma nce for low v olta ge loa d sw itching
applications. This helps increase battery life in portable
Minimum threshold voltage is low, only 0.7V or 1V,
e n abling t h e MOS F ETs t o pr ov ide opt i mu m
performance from a low voltage source. To ensure the
device suitability for low voltage applications, drain to
source voltage is specified at 20V or 30V.
To minimise on-state losses, and improve efficiency in
in low frequency drive applications, the on-resistance
(RDS(ON)) is low across the range. For example, the
ZXM64P03X has an RDS(ON) of only 100m
Ω at a gate to
source voltage of 4.5V.
Gate source charge is also low, easing requirements for
the gate driver. Maximum values range from 0.62nC for
the ZXM61P03F, up to 9nC for the ZXM64P03X.
Small outline surface mount packaging
The products have been designed to optimise the
performance of a range of packages. The parts are
offered in SOT23, SOT23-6 and MSOP8 packages. The
MSOP8 enables single or dual devices to be offered.
The MSOP8 is also half the size of competitive SO8
devices and 20% smaller than TSSOP8 alternatives.
Product performance
The following performance characteristics show the
capabilities of the ZXM64N02X. This device is
recommended for use with certain configurations of
the ZXRD DCDC controller circuit.
ZXCM6 Series
Low voltage MOSFETs
Unique structure gives optimum performance for switching applications.

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