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ZXRD1033PQ16 Datasheet(PDF) 20 Page - Diodes Incorporated |
ZXRD1033PQ16 Datasheet(HTML) 20 Page - Diodes Incorporated |
20 / 28 page 20 Designing with the ZXRD and Dynamic Performance This section refers to the reference design for the 3.3V, 4A output N channel synchronous converter. This is as shown previously in the Optimising for transient response section of the applications information (page 10). This circuit is also representative of the ZXRD evaluation board (see ordering information). The ZXRD series has been designed to give the best in terms of all round flexibility allowing engineers to either use the reference design as is, or to tailor the design to the individual requirements. This section demonstrates the performance features of the ZXRD series and its associated components. Efficiency Efficiency is often quoted as one of the key parameters of a DC-DC converter. Not only does it give an instantaneous idea of heat dissipation, but also an idea as to the extent battery life can be extended in say portable applications. Fig.1 shows the efficiency of the standard application circuit. Efficiency vs Output current is shown for the 5 to 3.3V configuration. Startup Startup is always important in DC-DC converter applications. Magnetics have large inrush current requirements. For higher current applications using large input and output capacitors the startup current can be quite significant. This can cause several problems. In many applications the power supply to the DC-DC converter can be affected. Particularly in battery powered applications, trying to take large steps in load current out of the supply can result in either current limitation (by the internal impedance of the battery), or it can actually damage the battery. For the converter itself, large changes in load current can result in false triggering of the RSENSE circuit. This could result in device hiccup (see applications section). The ZXRD programmable soft start function eliminates both these problems. This is very clear to see in operation if the main switching waveforms are examined. The soft start is programmed by the combination of resistor and capacitor R3 and C7. As a recommendation, R3 and C7 are set to 3k and 22 µF respectively, which limits the peak startup current appropriately in the reference circuit. Fig.2 shows the startup waveforms. VIN and VOUT are plotted against time Efficiency v I V =3.3V. OUT OUT 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0.1 1 10 I (A) OUT V =5V IN Fig.1. 5-3.3V Efficiency to 4A ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES |
Similar Part No. - ZXRD1033PQ16 |
Similar Description - ZXRD1033PQ16 |
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