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MP240D2 Datasheet(PDF) 20 Page - Opto Electronics Co,. LTD

Part # MP240D2
Description  Solid-State Relays
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Manufacturer  E-OEC [Opto Electronics Co,. LTD]
Direct Link  http://www.e-oec.com
Logo E-OEC - Opto Electronics Co,. LTD

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Solid-State Relays
Opto 22 • 43044 Business Park Drive • Temecula, CA 92590-3614 • www.opto22.com
SALES 800-321-6786 • 951-695-3000 • FAX 951-695-3095 • sales@opto22.com • SUPPORT 800-835-6786 • 951-695-3080 • FAX 951-695-3017 • support@opto22.com
© 2006–2014 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Three-Phase Reversing Motor Control
Three-phase reversing motor control can be implemented
with four SSRs as shown in the connection diagram. The SSRs
work in pairs with SSR1 and SSR3 operated for rotation in one
direction and SSR2 and SSR4 operated for rotation in the
reverse direction. The resistor R1 as shown in the connection
diagram protects against line-to-line shorts if SSR1 and SSR4
or SSR3 and SSR2 are on at the same time during the reversing
transition period. Use the following table as a guide to the
proper selection of an SSR for this application.
FAQ: SSR Applications
Q : What is a solid-state relay?
A: A solid-state relay (SSR) is a semiconductor device that can
be used in place of a mechanical relay to switch electricity to a
load in many applications. Solid-state relays are purely
electronic, normally composed of a low current “control” side
(equivalent to the coil on an electromechanical relay) and a
high-current load side (equivalent to the contact on a
conventional relay). SSRs typically also feature electrical
isolation to several thousand volts between the control and
load sides. Because of this isolation, the load side of the relay is
actually powered by the switched line; both line voltage and a
load (not to mention a control signal) must be present for the
relay to operate.
Q : What are the advantages of using an SSR over a
mechanical relay?
A: There are many applications that require a moderate
amount of power (W to kW) to be switched on and off fairly
rapidly. A good example would be the operation of a heater
element in a controlled-temperature system. Typically, the
amount of heat put into the system is regulated using pulse-
width modulation turning a fixed-power heating element on
and off for time periods ranging from seconds to minutes.
Mechanical relays have a finite cycle life, as their components
tend to wear out over thousands to millions of cycles. SSRs do
not have this problem; in the proper application, they could
be operated almost infinitely.
Q : What are the limitations of using an SSR?
A: SSRs have a few limitations when compared to the
capabilities of their mechanical counterparts. First, because
the relay is semiconductor-based, it will never turn all the way
on, nor off. This means that in the “on” state, the relay still has
some internal resistance to the flow of electricity, causing it to
get hot. When in the “off” state, the relay will exhibit a small
amount of leakage current, typically a few mA. This leakage
can conspire to keep some loads, especially ones with a high
impedance, from turning off! Additionally, SSRs are more
sensitive to voltage transients; while Opto 22 relays are very
well transient-protected, if a relay gets hit hard enough a
sufficient number of times, it will die or degrade. This makes
SSRs less ideal for driving highly inductive electromechanical
loads, such as some solenoids or motors. SSRs should also
never be used for applications such as safety power
disconnects, because even in the off state, leakage current is
present. Leakage current through an SSR also implies the
presence of a potentially high voltage. Even though the relay
is not conducting a large amount of current, the switched
terminal will still be “hot,” and thus dangerous.
480 Volt Three-Phase Motors
1-½ HP
1-½ HP
Opto 22
Motor Full
Load Rating
Resistor for
120V line
Resistor for
240V line
4 ohm 50 W
8 ohm 50 W
1 ohm 100 W
2 ohm 100 W
.5 ohm 100 W
1 ohm 100 W
.25 ohm 150 W
.5 ohm 150 W
1 ohm 100 W
2 ohm 100 W

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