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AT45DB011D Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
AT45DB011D Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
10 / 51 page 10 3639J–DFLASH–11/2012 AT45DB011D 7.7 Chip Erase The entire main memory can be erased at one time by using the Chip Erase command. To execute the Chip Erase command, a 4-byte command sequence C7H, 94H, 80H and 9AH must be clocked into the device. Since the entire memory array is to be erased, no address bytes need to be clocked into the device, and any data clocked in after the opcode will be ignored. After the last bit of the opcode sequence has been clocked in, the CS pin can be deas- serted to start the erase process. The erase operation is internally self-timed and should take place inatimeoft CE. During this time, the Status Register will indicate that the device is busy. The Chip Erase command will not affect sectors that are protected or locked down; the contents of those sectors will remain unchanged. Only those sectors that are not protected or locked down will be erased. The WP pin can be asserted while the device is erasing, but protection will not be activated until the internal erase cycle completes. Table 7-3. Chip Erase Command Figure 7-1. Chip Erase 7.8 Main Memory Page Program Through Buffer This operation is a combination of the Buffer Write and Buffer to Main Memory Page Program with Built-in Erase operations. Data is first clocked into the buffer from the input pin (SI) and then programmed into a specified page in the main memory. To perform a main memory page pro- gram through buffer for the DataFlash standard page size (264-bytes), a 1-byte opcode, 82H, must first be clocked into the device, followed by three address bytes. The address bytes are comprised of six don’t care bits, nine page address bits, (PA8 - PA0) that select the page in the main memory where data is to be written, and nine buffer address bits (BFA8 - BFA0) that select the first byte in the buffer to be written. To perform a main memory page program through buffer for the binary page size (256-bytes), the opcode 82H must be clocked into the device followed by three address bytes consisting of seven don’t care bits, nine page address bits (A16 - A8) that specify the page in the main memory to be written, and eight buffer address bits (BFA7 - BFA0) that selects the first byte in the buffer to be written. After all address bytes are clocked in, the part will take data from the input pins and store it in the specified data buffer. If the end of the buffer is reached, the device will wrap around back to the beginning of the buffer. When there is a low-to-high transition on the CS pin, the part will first erase the selected page in main memory to all 1s and then program the data stored in the buffer into that memory page. Both the erase and the programming of the page are internally self-timed and should take place in a maximum timeoft EP. During this time, the status register will indicate that the part is busy. Command Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Chip Erase C7H 94H 80H 9AH Opcode Byte 1 Opcode Byte 2 Opcode Byte 3 Opcode Byte 4 CS Each transition represents 8 bits SI |
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