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CS43L43-KZ Datasheet(PDF) 35 Page - Cirrus Logic

Part # CS43L43-KZ
Description  Low Voltage,Stereo DAC With Headphone Amp
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Manufacturer  CIRRUS [Cirrus Logic]
Direct Link  http://www.cirrus.com
Logo CIRRUS - Cirrus Logic

CS43L43-KZ Datasheet(HTML) 35 Page - Cirrus Logic

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Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (THD+N)
The ratio of the rms value of the signal to the rms sum of all other spectral components over the specified
bandwidth (typically 10Hz to 20kHz), including distortion components. Expressed in decibels.
Dynamic Range
The ratio of the full scale rms value of the signal to the rms sum of all other spectral components over the
specified bandwidth. Dynamic range is a signal-to-noise measurement over the specified bandwidth made
with a -60 dBFS signal. 60 dB is then added to the resulting measurement to refer the measurement to full
scale. This technique ensures that the distortion components are below the noise level and do not affect the
measurement. This measurement technique has been accepted by the Audio Engineering Society,
AES17-1991, and the Electronic Industries Association of Japan, EIAJ CP-307.
Interchannel Isolation
A measure of crosstalk between the left and right channels. Measured for each channel at the converter's
output with all zeros to the input under test and a full-scale signal applied to the other channel. Units in deci-
Interchannel Gain Mismatch
The gain difference between left and right channels. Units in decibels.
Gain Error
The deviation from the nominal full scale analog output for a full scale digital input.
Gain Drift
The change in gain value with temperature. Units in ppm/°C.
1) CDB43L43 Evaluation Board Datasheet
2) “The I2C-Bus Specification: Version 2.1” Philips Semiconductors, January 2000.

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