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CS43L43-KZ Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Cirrus Logic |
CS43L43-KZ Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Cirrus Logic |
9 / 36 page CS43L43 DS479PP3 9 3.4.1 Stand-Alone Mode When using Internal Serial Clock (see section 3.2.1), pin 3 is available for de-emphasis control and selects the 44.1 kHz de-emphasis filter. Please see Table 6 for the desired de-emphasis control. Table 6. De-Emphasis Control 3.4.2 Control Port Mode The Mode Control bits select either the 32, 44.1, or 48 kHz de-emphasis filter. Please see section 5.7.4 for the desired de-emphasis control. 3.5 Recommended Power-up Sequence 3.5.1 Stand-Alone Mode 1. Hold RST low until the power supply and configuration pins are stable, and the master and left/right clocks are locked to the appropriate frequences, as discussed in section 3.2. In this state, the control port is reset to its default settings and VQ_HP will remain low. 2. Bring RST high. The device will remain in a low power state with VQ_HP low and will initiate the Stand-Alone power-up sequence after approximately 1024 LRCK cycles. 3.5.2 Control Port Mode 1. Hold RST low until the power supply is stable, and the master and left/right clocks are locked to the appropriate frequences, as discussed in section 3.2. In this state, the control port is reset to its de- fault settings and VQ_HP will remain low. 2. Bring RST high. The device will remain in a low power state with VQ_HP low. The control port will be accessible at this time. 3. Wait approximately 2 LRCK cycles and then perform an I2C write to the CP_EN bit prior to the completion of approximately 1024 LRCK cycles. The desired register settings can be loaded while keeping the PDN bit set to 1. 4. Set the PDN bit to 0. This will initiate the power-up sequence, which lasts approximately 50 µS when the POR bit is set to 0. If the POR bit is set to 1, see Section 3.6 for for a complete description of power-up timing. 3.6 Popguard® Transient Control The CS43L43 uses Popguard® technology to minimize the effects of output transients during power-up and power-down. This technology, when used with external DC-blocking capacitors in series with the au- dio outputs, minimizes the audio transients commonly produced by single-ended single-supply converters. It is activated inside the DAC when the RST pin is enabled/disabled and requires no other external control, aside from choosing the appropriate DC-blocking capacitors. DEM DESCRIPTION 0 Disabled 1 44.1 kHz |
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Similar Description - CS43L43-KZ |
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