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CS8412 Datasheet(PDF) 23 Page - Cirrus Logic

Part # CS8412
Description  Low Cost, 20-Bit, Stereo, Audio D/A Converter
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Manufacturer  CIRRUS [Cirrus Logic]
Direct Link  http://www.cirrus.com
Logo CIRRUS - Cirrus Logic

CS8412 Datasheet(HTML) 23 Page - Cirrus Logic

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Input/Output for Clocks and Data
The evaluation board has been designed to allow
the interface to external systems via the 10-pin
header, J1. This header allows the evaluation
board to accept externally generated clocks and
data. The schematic for the clock/data I/O is
shown in Figure 6. The 74HC243 transceiver
functions as an I/O buffer where the CLK
SOURCE jumper determines if the transceiver
operates as a transmitter or receiver.
The transceiver operates as a transmitter with the
CLK SOURCE jumper in the 8412 position.
LRCK, SDATA, and SCLK from the CS8412
will be available on J1. J22 must be in the 0
position and J23 must be in the 1 position for
MCLK to be an output and to avoid bus conten-
tion on MCLK.
The transceiver operates as a receiver with the
CLK SOURCE jumper in the EXTERNAL posi-
tion. LRCK, SDATA and SCLK on J1 become
inputs. The CS8412 must be removed from the
evaluation board for operation in this mode.
There are 2 options for the source of MCLK in
the EXT CLK source mode. MCLK can be an
input with J23 in the 1 position and J22 in the 0
position. However, the recommended mode of
operation is to generate MCLK on the evaluation
board. MCLK becomes an output with LRCK,
SCLK and SDATA inputs. This technique insures
that the CS4327 receives a jitter free clock to
maximize performance. This can be accom-
plished by installing a crystal oscillator into U4,
see Figure 8 (the socket for U4 is located within
the footprint for the CS8412) and placing J22 in
the 1 position and J23 in the 0 position.
Analog Filter
The design of the second-order Butterworth low-
pass filter, Figure 5, is discussed in the CS4327
data sheet and the applications note "Design
Notes for a 2-pole Filter."
Grounding and Power Supply Decoupling
The CS4327 requires careful attention to power
supply and grounding arrangements to optimize
performance. Figure 2 shows the recommended
power arrangements with VA+ connected to a
clean +5 Volt supply. VD1+ is derived from VA+
through a 2 ohm resistor. VD1+ should not used
for any additional digital circuitry.
Ideally, all mode pins which require VD1+
should be connected to pin 6 of the CS4327 and
all mode pins which require DGND should con-
nected to pin 5 of the CS4327. AGND and
DGND, Pins 4 and 5, are connected together at
the CS4327. The evaluation board has separate
analog and digital regions with individual
ground planes. DGND for the CS4327 should
not be confused with the ground for the digital
section of the system (GND). The CS4327 is po-
sitioned over the analog ground plane near the
digital/analog ground plane split. These ground
planes are connected elsewhere on the board.
This layout technique is used to minimizing digi-
tal noise and to insure proper power supply
matching/sequencing. The decoupling capacitors
are located as close to the CS4327 as possible.
Extensive use of ground plane fill on both the
analog and digital sections of the evaluation
board yield large reductions in radiated noise ef-

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