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SP6641BEK-L-5-0 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Sipex Corporation |
SP6641BEK-L-5-0 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Sipex Corporation |
10 / 13 page 10 Rev. 5/26/05, *Patent Pending SP6641A/6641B 500mA Alkaline DC/DC Boost Regulator in SOT-23 © Copyright 2002 Sipex Corporation APPLICATION INFORMATION: continued TABLE 2. SP6641A Resistive Load Current in Startup - low cost inductors GND LX VBATT J1 L1 22µH U1 SP6641 VOUT SHDN ® ® C2 22µF VOUT +3.3V D1 1 2 3 C1 22µF 5 4 1 2 3 VBATT +0.9V to +3.3V Input + + GND ENABLE VOUT SP6201 VIN ® ® RESET 1 2 3 5 4 VOUT +3.0V C3 1µF Figure 15. SP6641A 3.3V Evaluation Board with SP6201 LDO Regulator SP6641A APPLICATION CIRCUIT WITH PANASONIC INDUCTOR SP6641A APPLICATION CIRCUIT WITH TDK INDUCTOR L1 = ELJ-PB220KF 22µH, IDCmax = 300mA, DCR = 1.0Ω L1 = NLC453232T-220K 22µH, IDCmax = 370mA, DCR = 0.9Ω Startup VOUT IOUT Startup Startup VOUT IOUT Startup Load after after then Load after after then VIN ROUT (min) Startup Startup Load VIN ROUT (min) Startup Startup Load V Ω VmA mA (max) V Ω VmA mA (max) 0.86 16000 3.31 0.2 37 0.86 16000 3.30 0.2 42 0.88 1500 3.31 2 39 0.88 1500 3.30 2 43 0.90 800 3.30 4 40 0.90 900 3.30 4 44 0.95 230 3.30 14 44 0.95 260 3.30 13 48 1.00 125 3.30 26 48 1.00 126 3.30 26 52 1.10 73 3.29 45 56 1.10 66 3.29 50 60 1.20 58 3.29 57 63 1.20 49 3.29 67 69 1.30 50 3.28 66 71 1.30 43 3.29 77 77 1.40 43 3.28 76 78 1.40 39 3.29 84 84 1.50 39 3.28 84 86 1.50 36 3.29 91 91 SuperCap Application on the SP6641 Output When the battery input to SP6641A is removed, the SP6641A output will end up in the charge mode and will slowly discharge a Supercap connected to the output. The typical Supercap of 0.22F will go from fully charged at 3.3V to less than 2V in 5 minutes. The following appli- cation circuit in figure 16 is recommended to disconnect the SP6641 output from the SuperCap when the battery is removed. The small SOT23- 3pin MOS switches are an inexpensive addition to the SP6641 circuit and work well to maintain SuperCap voltage to retain Non-Volatile CMOS Memory while a battery is changed. |
Similar Part No. - SP6641BEK-L-5-0 |
Similar Description - SP6641BEK-L-5-0 |
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