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CC0603KRX7R9BB332 Datasheet(PDF) 19 Page - YAGEO Corporation |
CC0603KRX7R9BB332 Datasheet(HTML) 19 Page - YAGEO Corporation |
19 / 20 page www.yageo.com Oct 13, 2011 V.8 General Purpose & High Cap. 6.3 V to 50 V Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer Capacitors 19 20 Product specification X7R TEST TEST METHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS No visual damage Endurance IEC 60384- 21/22 4.14 1. Preconditioning, class 2 only: 150 +0/-10 °C /1 hour, then keep for 24 ±1 hour at room temp 2. Initial measure: Spec: refer to initial spec C, D, IR 3. Endurance test: Temperature: X7R: 125 °C Specified stress voltage applied for 1,000 hours: Applied 2.0 x Ur for general products Applied 1.5 x Ur for high cap. products 4. Recovery time: 24 ±2 hours 5. Final measure: C, D, IR P.S. If the capacitance value is less than the minimum value permitted, then after the other measurements have been made the capacitor shall be preconditioned according to “IEC 60384 4.1” and then the requirement shall be met. <General Purpose series> ∆C/C Class2: X7R: ±15% D.F. Class2: X7R: ≤ 16V: ≤ 7% ≥ 25V: ≤ 5% Rins Class2: X7R: ≥ 1,000 MΩ or Rins x Cr ≥ 50s whichever is less <High Capacitance series> ∆C/C Class 2: X7R: ±20% D.F. Class 2: X7R: 2 x initial value max Rins Class 2: X7R: 1,000 MΩ or Rins x Cr ≥ 50s whichever is less Voltage Proof IEC 60384- 1 4.6 Specified stress voltage applied for 1 minute Ur ≤ 100 V: series applied 2.5 Ur 100 V < Ur ≤ 200 V series applied (1.5 Ur + 100) 200 V < Ur ≤ 500 V series applied (1.3 Ur + 100) Ur > 500 V: 1.3 Ur I: 7.5 mA No breakdown or flashover |
Similar Part No. - CC0603KRX7R9BB332 |
Similar Description - CC0603KRX7R9BB332 |
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