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CA0612KRX7R9BN473 Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - YAGEO Corporation |
CA0612KRX7R9BN473 Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - YAGEO Corporation |
3 / 17 page ![]() www.yageo.com Feb 05, 2010 V.1 Surface-Mount Ceramic Multilayer Capacitors 3 17 Product specification 4C-Array NP0/X7R/Y5V 16 V to 50 V 2 2 X X X X X X X X X X Carrier type 55 = Paper/PE Voltage 10 = 16 V 12 = 25 V 14 = 50 V Size 7 = 0508 (4 x 0402) 6 = 0612 (4 x 0603) Capacitance value(1) Tolerance 5 = ±5% 6 = ±10% 7 = ±20% 8 = -20% to +80% Packaging(2) 1 = reel: ∅180 mm; 7" Temperature characteristic 1 = NP0 5 = X7R 9 = Y5V YNM0030 P PH HY YC CO OM MP P B BR RA AN ND D o orrd deerriin ngg cco od deess GLOBAL PART NUMBER (preferred), PHYCOMP CTC (for North America) and 12NC (traditional) codes are acceptable to order Phycomp brand products. GLOBAL PART NUMBER (PREFERRED) For detailed information of GLOBAL PART NUMBER and ordering example, please refer to page 2. 12NC CODE PHYCOMP CTC CODE (FOR NORTH AMERICA) Example: 0508CG220K9B200 0508 CG 220 K 9 B 2 0 0 Size code Temp. Char. Capacitance in pF Tolerance Voltage Termination Packing Marking Range identifier 0508 (4 x 0402) 0612 (4 x 0603) CG = NP0 2R = X7R 2F = Y5V 101 = 100 pF; the third digit signifies the multiplying factor: 0 = × 1 1 = × 10 2 = × 100 3 = × 1,000 J = ±5% K = ±10% M = ±20% Z = -20% to +80% 7 = 16 V 8 = 25 V 9 = 50 V B = NiSn 2 = 180 mm 7” Paper/PE 0 = no marking 0 = conv. Ceramic D = Class 2 MLCC (1) Refer to “Conversion table of capacitance & last 2-digit of 12NC” (2) Quantity on reel depends on thickness classification; see table 5 |
Similar Part No. - CA0612KRX7R9BN473 |
Similar Description - CA0612KRX7R9BN473 |
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