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TS431-Z Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Taiwan Semiconductor Company, Ltd

Part # TS431-Z
Description  Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator
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Manufacturer  TSC [Taiwan Semiconductor Company, Ltd]
Direct Link  http://www.taiwansemi.com
Logo TSC - Taiwan Semiconductor Company, Ltd

TS431-Z Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Taiwan Semiconductor Company, Ltd

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Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator
Version: B11
Test Circuits
Figure 1: VKA = VREF
Figure 2: VKA > VREF
Figure 3: Off-State Current
Additional Information – Stability
When The TS431A/431B is used as a shunt regulator, there are two options for selection of CL, are recommended for optional
No load capacitance across the device, decouple at the load.
Large capacitance across the device, optional decoupling at the load.
The reason for this is that TS431A/431B exhibits instability with capacitances in the range of 10nF to 1uF (approx.) at light
cathode current up to 3mA (typ). The device is less stable the lower the cathode voltage has been set for. Therefore while the
device will be perfectly stable operating at a cathode current of 10mA (approx.) with a 0.1uF capacitor across it, it will oscillate
transiently during start up as the cathode current passes through the instability region. Select a very low capacitance, or
alternatively a high capacitance (10uF) will avoid this issue altogether. Since the user will probably wish to have local
decoupling at the load anyway, the most cost effective method is to use no capacitance at all directly across the device. PCB
trace/via resistance and inductance prevent the local load decoupling from causing the oscillation during the transient start up
Note: if the TS431A/431B is located right at the load, so the load decoupling capacitor is directly across it, then this capacitor
will have to be ≤1nF or ≥10uF.

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