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MS27468E11A35PSA Datasheet(PDF) 32 Page - ITT Industries

Part # MS27468E11A35PSA
Description  Cannon MIL-DTL-38999 Connectors
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Manufacturer  ITT [ITT Industries]
Direct Link  http://www.ittcannon.com
Logo ITT - ITT Industries

MS27468E11A35PSA Datasheet(HTML) 32 Page - ITT Industries

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Dimensions shown in inches (mm)
Specifications and dimensions subject to change
MIL-DTL-38999 Series I, II, III Connectors
Wire Stripping
Wire Size
22D or 22M*
* For reference only
.125 (3.18)
.188 (4.77)
.188 (4.77)
.188 (4.77)
Strip insulation from end of wire to be crimped.
(See table for proper stripping dimensions.) Do not
cut or damage wire strands.
1. Insert stripped wire into contact crimp pot.
Wire must be visible thru inspection hole.
3. Release crimped contact and wire from tool. Be
certain the wire is visible thru inspection hole in
2. Using correct crimp tool and locator, cycle the tool once to be sure the indentors are open. Insert
contact and wire into locator. Squeeze tool handles firmly and completely to insure a proper crimp. The
tool will not release unless the crimp indentors in the tool head have been fully actuated.
Contact Insertion
Contact Extraction
3. Press tool against contact shoulder and, with
firm and even pressure, insert wired contact and
tool tip into center contact cavity. A slight click may
be heard as metal retaining tines snap into place
behind contact shoulder.
2. Using proper plastic or metal insertion tool for
corresponding contact, position wire in tip of the tool
so that the tool tip butts up against the contact
1. Remove hardware from plug or receptacle and
slip over wire bundle in proper order for
1. Remove hardware from plug or receptacle
and slide hardware back along wire bundle.
2. Using plastic or metal extraction tool with proper
color code corresponding to contact size, place wire in
3. Insert tool into contact cavity until tool tip
bottoms against the contact shoulder, expanding
clip retaining tines.
6. Reassemble plug or receptacle.
5. Fill any empty wire cavities with wire sealing plugs, and
4. Hold wire firmly in tool and extract wired
contact and tool. Repeat operation for all
contacts to be extracted.
5. After all contacts are inserted, fill any empty
cavities with wire sealing plugs, Ressemble plug
or receptacle hardware.
4. Remove tool and pull back lightly on wire to make
sure contact is properly seated. Repeat operation with
remainder of contacts to be inserted, beginning with
the center cavity and working outward in alternating
Assembly Instructions
Contact Crimping

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