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MS27468E11A35PSA Datasheet(PDF) 35 Page - ITT Industries

Part # MS27468E11A35PSA
Description  Cannon MIL-DTL-38999 Connectors
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Manufacturer  ITT [ITT Industries]
Direct Link  http://www.ittcannon.com
Logo ITT - ITT Industries

MS27468E11A35PSA Datasheet(HTML) 35 Page - ITT Industries

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D-Subminiature Connectors
Rack and Panel Connectors
Microminiature Connectors
Circular/Filter/Hermetic/Fiber Optic Connectors
Initially pioneered by Cannon during the 1930s, Interconnect
Solutions is the world leader in rack and panel connectors, offering
unmatched variety of shell configurations and insert arrangements,
materials, plating, and contact options. Many of our standard and
custom designs meet the stringent requirements of ARINC 600,
ARINC 404 (MIL-C-81659), and MIL-DTL-83733 standards.
As a world leader in circular, filter, and hermetic connectors, ITT can
leverage its design and manufacturing expertise to fit virtually any
application. Our expertise includes fast positive mating for a wide
range of military applications, as well as numerous sizes and
contact configurations for various harsh environments. Our wide
variety of fiber optic products include hybrid contacts, multi-channel,
rack and panel, and hi-rel assemblies, including MIL and ARINC
standard solutions.ITT can meet numerous specs, including
NATO and MIL standards.
Cannon invented D-sub connectors in 1952. Our family
of D-Subs now includes combinations of signal, power and RF, as
well as severe service sealed connectors. Cannon D-Subs are
available with an extensive line of backshells and accessories and
are one of the most economical shielded connector solutions
available. ITT D-Sub connectors are qualified to the MIL-DTL-
24308 specification.
Developed first by Cannon in the 1960’ s, Interconnect Solutions
microminiature connectors offer high performance and reliability
with exceptional versatility. Available in rectangular, circular,
and strip configurations for countless applications, many of our
connectors meet or exceed applicable requirements of the MIL-
DTL-83513 specification.
RF Connectors
ITT Interconnect Solutions has been providing interconnect
products to the Microwave and RF industry since 1963 (formerly
The Sealectro Corporation). The RF 50 & 75 Ohm product lines
cover UHF band through Ku band requirements. These connectors
and cable assemblies are available with a thread type, snap type,
bayonet type or slide on coupling method. The frequencies range
from DC to 18+ GHz.
www.ittcannon.com/RF50 • www.ittcannon.com/RF75
www.ittcannon.com/circulars • www.ittcannon.com/filter • www.ittcannon.com/hermetics • www.ittcannon.com/fiberoptics
The ITT ICS interconnect range includes sealed circular and rectangular
connectors in metal or plastic shells. These configurations include board to
cable or cable to cable/ bulkhead applications. Both signal and power con-
tacts can be combined in various layouts. All product lines within the
Transportation segment offer very low contact resistance providing maxi-
mum signal integrity.
ITT Interconnect Solutions is an international manufacturer and supplier of connectors including circular,
rectangular, fiber optic, RF, power and high voltage, audio, PMCIA, Compact Flash Card, enclosures,
cable assemblies, and application specific custom solutions. The Interconnect Solutions portfolio includes
the brands Cannon, VEAM, and BIW. As a worldwide leader in connector technology for nearly a century,
ITT offers one of the broadest product offerings, six sigma manufacturing capability, Value Based Product
Development with exceptional engineering capability, and an extensive sales, distribution, and customer
support network.

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