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TCS3472 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - ams AG |
TCS3472 Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - ams AG |
14 / 27 page TCS3472 COLOR LIGHT-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER with IR FILTER TAOS135 − AUGUST 2012 13 The LUMENOLOGY r Company r r Copyright E 2012, TAOS Inc. www.taosinc.com Register Set The TCS3472 is controlled and monitored by data registers and a command register accessed through the serial interface. These registers provide for a variety of control functions and can be read to determine results of the ADC conversions. The register set is summarized in Table 3. Table 3. Register Address ADDRESS RESISTER NAME R/W REGISTER FUNCTION RESET VALUE −− COMMAND W Specifies register address 0x00 0x00 ENABLE R/W Enables states and interrupts 0x00 0x01 ATIME R/W RGBC time 0xFF 0x03 WTIME R/W Wait time 0xFF 0x04 AILTL R/W Clear interrupt low threshold low byte 0x00 0x05 AILTH R/W Clear interrupt low threshold high byte 0x00 0x06 AIHTL R/W Clear interrupt high threshold low byte 0x00 0x07 AIHTH R/W Clear interrupt high threshold high byte 0x00 0x0C PERS R/W Interrupt persistence filter 0x00 0x0D CONFIG R/W Configuration 0x00 0x0F CONTROL R/W Control 0x00 0x12 ID R Device ID ID 0x13 STATUS R Device status 0x00 0x14 CDATAL R Clear data low byte 0x00 0x15 CDATAH R Clear data high byte 0x00 0x16 RDATAL R Red data low byte 0x00 0x17 RDATAH R Red data high byte 0x00 0x18 GDATAL R Green data low byte 0x00 0x19 GDATAH R Green data high byte 0x00 0x1A BDATAL R Blue data low byte 0x00 0x1B BDATAH R Blue data high byte 0x00 The mechanics of accessing a specific register depends on the specific protocol used. See the section on I2C protocols on the previous pages. In general, the COMMAND register is written first to specify the specific control-status-data register for subsequent read/write operations. |
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