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12101C474KAT2A Datasheet(PDF) 58 Page - AVX Corporation |
12101C474KAT2A Datasheet(HTML) 58 Page - AVX Corporation |
58 / 99 page 57 Capacitor Array Multi-Value Capacitor Array (IPC) GENERAL DESCRIPTION A recent addition to the array product range is the Multi- Value Capacitor Array. These devices combine two different capacitance values in standard ‘Cap Array’ packages and are available with a maximum ratio between the two capacitance values of 100:1. The multi-value array is currently available in the 0405 and 0508 2-element styles and also in the 0612 4-element style. Whereas to date AVX capacitor arrays have been suited to applications where multiple capacitors of the same value are used, the multi-value array introduces a new flexibility to the range. The multi-value array can replace discrete capacitors of different values and can be used for broadband decoupling applications. The 0508 x 2 element multi-value array would be particularly recommended in this application. Another application is filtering the 900/1800 or 1900MHz noise in mobile phones. The 0405 2-element, low capacitance value NP0, (C0G) device would be suited to this application, in view of the space saving requirements of mobile phone manufacturers. ADVANTAGES OF THE MULTI-VALUE CAPACITOR ARRAYS Enhanced Performance Due to Reduced Parasitic Inductance When connected in parallel, not only do discrete capacitors of different values give the desired self-resonance, but an additional unwanted parallel resonance also results. This parallel resonance is induced between each capacitor’s self- resonant frequencies and produces a peak in impedance response. For decoupling and bypassing applications this peak will result in a frequency band of reduced decoupling and in filtering applications reduced attenuation. The multi-value capacitor array, combining capacitors in one unit, virtually eliminates the problematic parallel resonance, by minimizing parasitic inductance between the capacitors, thus enhancing the broadband decoupling/filtering performance of the part. Reduced ESR An advantage of connecting two capacitors in parallel is a significant reduction in ESR. However, as stated above, using discrete components brings with it the unwanted side effect of parallel resonance. The multi-value cap array is an excellent alternative as not only does it perform the same function as parallel capacitors but also it reduces the uncertainty of the frequency response. 100 10 1 1000 Frequency (MHz) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2xDiscrete Caps (0603) Multi Value Cap (0508) Cap (Min/Max) NP0 X5R/X7R 0612 4-element 100/471 221/104 0508 2-element 100/471 221/104 0405 2-element 100/101 101/103 • Max. ratio between the two cap values is 1:100. • The voltage of the higher capacitance value dictates the voltage of the multi-value part. • Only combinations of values within a specific dielectric range are possible. IMPEDANCE VS FREQUENCY W Style 2 Case Size 1 = 0405 2 = 0508 3 = 0612 A Array 2 Number of Caps A Failure Rate Y Voltage Z = 10V Y = 16V 3 = 25V 5 = 50V 1 = 100V C Dielectric A = NP0 C = X7R D = X5R 102M 1st Value Capacitance Code (In pF) 2 Sig. Digits + No. of Zeros 104M 2nd Value Capacitance Tolerance K = ±10% M = ±20% 2A Packaging & Quantity Code 2A = 7" Reel (4000) 4A = 13" Reel (10000) 2F = 7" Reel (1000) HOW TO ORDER (Multi-Value Capacitor Array - IPC) NOTE: Contact factory for availability of Termination and Tolerance Options for Specific Part Numbers. **RoHS compliant T Terminations T = Plated Ni and Sn** Z = FLEXITERM®** B = 5% min lead X = FLEXITERM® with 5% min lead |
Similar Part No. - 12101C474KAT2A |
Similar Description - 12101C474KAT2A |
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