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AD9432BSQZ-80 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Analog Devices |
AD9432BSQZ-80 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Analog Devices |
10 / 16 page REV. E AD9432 –10– APPLICATION NOTES Theory of Operation The AD9432 is a multibit pipeline converter that uses a switched capacitor architecture. Optimized for high speed, this converter provides flat dynamic performance up to frequencies near Nyquist. DNL transitional errors are calibrated at final test to a typical accuracy of 0.25 LSB or less. USING THE AD9432 Analog Input The analog input to the AD9432 is a differential buffer. The input buffer is self-biased by an on-chip resistor divider that sets the dc common-mode voltage to a nominal 3 V (see Equivalent Circuits section). Rated performance is achieved by driving the input differentially. Minimum input offset voltage is obtained when driving from a source with a low differential source impedance such as a transformer in ac applications. Capacitive coupling at the inputs will increase the input offset voltage by as much as ±25 mV. Driving the ADC single-endedly will degrade performance. For best dynamic performance, impedances at AIN and AIN should match. Special care was taken in the design of the analog input section of the AD9432 to prevent damage and corruption of data when the input is overdriven. The nominal input range is 2 V p-p. Each analog input will be 1 V p-p when driven differentially. 2.5 3.5 4.0 2.0 3.0 AIN AIN Figure 7. Full-Scale Analog Input Range ENCODE Input Any high speed A/D converter is extremely sensitive to the qual- ity of the sampling clock provided by the user. A track/hold circuit is essentially a mixer, and any noise, distortion, or timing jitter on the clock will be combined with the desired signal at the A/D output. For that reason, considerable care has been taken in the design of the ENCODE input of the AD9432, and the user is advised to give commensurate thought to the clock source. The ENCODE input supports either differential or single-ended and is fully TTL/CMOS compatible. Note that the ENCODE inputs cannot be driven directly from PECL level signals (VIHD is 3.5 V max). PECL level signals can easily be accommodated by ac coupling as shown in Figure 8. Good performance is obtained using an MC10EL16 in the circuit to drive the encode inputs. GND 510 510 0.1 F 0.1 F PECL GATE ENCODE ENCODE AD9432 Figure 8. AC Coupling to ENCODE Inputs ENCODE Voltage Level Definition The voltage level definitions for driving ENCODE and ENCODE in single-ended and differential mode are shown in Figure 9. ENCODE Inputs Differential Signal Amplitude (VID) . . . . . . . . . . . 500 mV min . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 mV nom High Differential Input Voltage (VIHD) . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 V max Low Differential Input Voltage (VILD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 V min Common-Mode Input (VICM) . . . . . . . 1.25 V min, 1.6 V nom High Single-Ended Voltage (VIHS) . . . . . 2 V min to 3.5 V max Low Single-Ended Voltage (VILS) . . . . . 0 V min to 0.8 V max ENCODE ENCODE ENCODE 0.1 F VID VIHD VILD VICM VIHS VILS Figure 9. Differential and Single-Ended Input Levels Often, the cleanest clock source is a crystal oscillator producing a pure sine wave. In this configuration, or with any roughly symmetrical clock input, the input can be ac-coupled and biased to a reference voltage that also provides the ENCODE. This ensures that the reference voltage is centered on the encode signal. Digital Outputs The digital outputs are 3.3 V (2.7 V to 3.6 V) TTL/CMOS- compatible for lower power consumption. The output data format is Two’s Complement, illustrated in Table I. The out of range (OR) output (logic LOW for normal operation) will be HIGH during any clock cycle when the ADC output data (Dx) reach positive or negative full scale (–2048 or +2047). The OR is internally generated each clock cycle, has the same pipe- line latency and propagation delay as the ADC output data, and will remain HIGH until the output data reflect an in-range condition. The ADC output bits (Dx) will not roll over, and will therefore remain at positive or negative full scale (+2048 or –2047) while the OR output is HIGH. |
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