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PXAG49KBBD Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
PXAG49KBBD Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
12 / 42 page Philips Semiconductors Preliminary data XA-G49 XA 16-bit microcontroller family 64K Flash/2K RAM, watchdog, 2 UARTs 2001 Jun 27 12 VDD SUPPLY OR +12V ±5% 5V ±5% TxD RxD VSS VPP VDD TxD RxD RST XTAL2 XTAL1 SU01072 VSS VCC 2 3 5 FEMALE DB-9 RS-232 TRANSCEIVER MC145406, MAX232, OR EQUIVALENT FOR USE WITH WINISP Figure 4. In-System Programming with a Minimum of Pins In-System Programming (ISP) In-System Programming (ISP) is performed without removing the microcontroller from the system. The In-System Programming (ISP) facility consists of a series of internal hardware resources coupled with internal firmware to facilitate remote programming of the XA-G49 through the serial port. This firmware is provided by Philips and embedded within each XA-G49 device. The Philips In-System Programming (ISP) facility has made in-circuit programming in an embedded application possible with a minimum of additional expense in components and circuit board area. The ISP function uses five pins: TxD, RxD, VSS, VDD, and VPP (see Figure 4). Only a small connector needs to be available to interface your application to an external circuit in order to use this feature. The VPP supply should be adequately decoupled and VPP not allowed to exceed datasheet limits. VCC VPP OSC FREQ IDD 5.0 V 5.0 V 22 MHz 75 ma typical 5.0 V 5.0 V 30 MHz 90 ma typical ISP increases IDD by less than 1mA. ISP software is available on the Philips web site 1. With your browser, open this page: www.semiconductors.com 2. Enter winzip.zip into the Search box at the top of the Philips web page. 3. Click on Microcontrollers Software support. 4. Download disk1.zip and disk2.zip. 5. Create a directory on your hard drive named WINISP. 6. Unzip the two disk files into this new directory WINISP. Using In-System Programming (ISP) ISP mode is entered by holding PSEN low, asserting, un-asserting RESET, then releasing PSEN. When ISP mode is entered, the default loader first disables the watchdog timer to prevent a watchdog reset from occurring during programming. The ISP feature allows for a wide range of baud rates to be used in the application, independent of the oscillator frequency. It is also adaptable to a wide range of oscillator frequencies. This is accomplished by measuring the bit-time of a single bit in a received character. This information is then used to program the baud rate in terms of timer counts based on the oscillator frequency. The ISP feature requires that an initial character (a lowercase f) be sent to the XA-G49 to establish the baud rate. The ISP firmware provides auto-echo of received characters. Once baud rate initialization has been performed, the ISP firmware will only accept specific Intel Hex-type records. Intel Hex records consist of ASCII characters used to represent hexadecimal values and are summarized below: :NNAAAARRDD..DDCC<crlf> In the Intel Hex record, the “NN” represents the number of data bytes in the record. The XA-G49 will accept up to 16 (10H) data bytes. The “AAAA” string represents the address of the first byte in the record. If there are zero bytes in the record, this field is often set to 0000. The “RR” string indicates the record type. A record type of “00” is a data record. A record type of “01” indicates the end-of-file mark. In this application, additional record types will be added to indicate either commands or data for the ISP facility. The maximum number of data bytes in a record is limited to 16 (decimal). ISP commands are summarized in Table 1. As a record is received by the XA-G49, the information in the record is stored internally and a checksum calculation is performed. The operation indicated by the record type is not performed until the entire record has been received. Should an error occur in the checksum, the XA-G49 will send an “X” out the serial port indicating a checksum error. If the checksum calculation is found to match the checksum in the record, then the command will be executed. In most cases, successful reception of the record will be indicated by transmitting a “.” character out the serial port (displaying the contents of the internal program memory is an exception). In the case of a Data Record (record type 00), an additional check is made. A “.” character will NOT be sent unless the record checksum matched the calculated checksum and all of the bytes in the record were successfully programmed. For a data record, an “X” indicates that the checksum failed to match, and an “R” character indicates that one of the bytes did not properly program. The ISP facility was designed so that specific crystal frequencies were not required in order to generate baud rates or time the programming pulses. |
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