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PXAG49KBBD Datasheet(PDF) 28 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
PXAG49KBBD Datasheet(HTML) 28 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
28 / 42 page Philips Semiconductors Preliminary data XA-G49 XA 16-bit microcontroller family 64K Flash/2K RAM, watchdog, 2 UARTs 2001 Jun 27 28 INTERRUPT SCHEME There are separate interrupt vectors for each UART’s transmit and receive functions. Table 6. Vector Locations for UARTs in XA Vector Address Interrupt Source Arbitration A0H – A3H UART 0 Receiver 7 A4H – A7H UART 0 Transmitter 8 A8H – ABH UART 1 Receiver 9 ACH – AFH UART 1 Transmitter 10 NOTE: The transmit and receive vectors could contain the same ISR address to work like a 8051 interrupt scheme Error Handling, Status Flags and Break Detect The UARTs in XA has the following error flags; see Figure 15. Multiprocessor Communications Modes 2 and 3 have a special provision for multiprocessor communications. In these modes, 9 data bits are received. The 9th one goes into RB8. Then comes a stop bit. The port can be programmed such that when the stop bit is received, the serial port interrupt will be activated only if RB8 = 1. This feature is enabled by setting bit SM2 in SCON. A way to use this feature in multiprocessor systems is as follows: When the master processor wants to transmit a block of data to one of several slaves, it first sends out an address byte which identifies the target slave. An address byte differs from a data byte in that the 9th bit is 1 in an address byte and 0 in a data byte. With SM2 = 1, no slave will be interrupted by a data byte. An address byte, however, will interrupt all slaves, so that each slave can examine the received byte and see if it is being addressed. The addressed slave will clear its SM2 bit and prepare to receive the data bytes that will be coming. The slaves that weren’t being addressed leave their SM2s set and go on about their business, ignoring the coming data bytes. SM2 has no effect in Mode 0, and in Mode 1 can be used to check the validity of the stop bit although this is better done with the Framing Error (FE) flag. In a Mode 1 reception, if SM2 = 1, the receive interrupt will not be activated unless a valid stop bit is received. Automatic Address Recognition Automatic Address Recognition is a feature which allows the UART to recognize certain addresses in the serial bit stream by using hardware to make the comparisons. This feature saves a great deal of software overhead by eliminating the need for the software to examine every serial address which passes by the serial port. This feature is enabled by setting the SM2 bit in SCON. In the 9 bit UART modes, mode 2 and mode 3, the Receive Interrupt flag (RI) will be automatically set when the received byte contains either the “Given” address or the “Broadcast” address. The 9 bit mode requires that the 9th information bit is a 1 to indicate that the received information is an address and not data. Automatic address recognition is shown in Figure 18. Using the Automatic Address Recognition feature allows a master to selectively communicate with one or more slaves by invoking the Given slave address or addresses. All of the slaves may be contacted by using the Broadcast address. Two special Function Registers are used to define the slave’s address, SADDR, and the address mask, SADEN. SADEN is used to define which bits in the SADDR are to be used and which bits are “don’t care”. The SADEN mask can be logically ANDed with the SADDR to create the “Given” address which the master will use for addressing each of the slaves. Use of the Given address allows multiple slaves to be recognized while excluding others. The following examples will help to show the versatility of this scheme: Slave 0 SADDR = 1100 0000 SADEN = 1111 1101 Given = 1100 00X0 Slave 1 SADDR = 1100 0000 SADEN = 1111 1110 Given = 1100 000X In the above example SADDR is the same and the SADEN data is used to differentiate between the two slaves. Slave 0 requires a 0 in bit 0 and it ignores bit 1. Slave 1 requires a 0 in bit 1 and bit 0 is ignored. A unique address for Slave 0 would be 1100 0010 since slave 1 requires a 0 in bit 1. A unique address for slave 1 would be 1100 0001 since a 1 in bit 0 will exclude slave 0. Both slaves can be selected at the same time by an address which has bit 0 = 0 (for slave 0) and bit 1 = 0 (for slave 1). Thus, both could be addressed with 1100 0000. In a more complex system the following could be used to select slaves 1 and 2 while excluding slave 0: Slave 0 SADDR = 1100 0000 SADEN = 1111 1001 Given = 1100 0XX0 Slave 1 SADDR = 1110 0000 SADEN = 1111 1010 Given = 1110 0X0X Slave 2 SADDR = 1110 0000 SADEN = 1111 1100 Given = 1110 00XX In the above example the differentiation among the 3 slaves is in the lower 3 address bits. Slave 0 requires that bit 0 = 0 and it can be uniquely addressed by 1110 0110. Slave 1 requires that bit 1 = 0 and it can be uniquely addressed by 1110 and 0101. Slave 2 requires that bit 2 = 0 and its unique address is 1110 0011. To select Slaves 0 and 1 and exclude Slave 2 use address 1110 0100, since it is necessary to make bit 2 = 1 to exclude slave 2. The Broadcast Address for each slave is created by taking the logical OR of SADDR and SADEN. Zeros in this result are teated as don’t-cares. In most cases, interpreting the don’t-cares as ones, the broadcast address will be FF hexadecimal. Upon reset SADDR and SADEN are loaded with 0s. This produces a given address of all “don’t cares” as well as a Broadcast address of all “don’t cares”. This effectively disables the Automatic Addressing mode and allows the microcontroller to use standard UART drivers which do not make use of this feature. |
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