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110G19 Datasheet(PDF) 49 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

Part # 110G19
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All Data Subject To Change Without Notice
SBE®320 - SBX®350
Explanation of Mechanical Voltage Keys
Features molded into the mating interface of the connector housing
prevent accidental cross mating of circuits. This molded feature
mechanically keys the connection so that only housings with the same
mating interface can be mated together.
Different mechanical keys can be easily recognized by the color of
the housing. This color coding corresponds to a voltage that industrial
trucks, batteries, and chargers have adopted as a standard to prevent
incompatible voltages from cross mating.
The same mechanical keying and color coding that is so successful for
industrial trucks, is also widely used in power electronics applications.
UPS systems, power supplies, personal mobility, and alternative
energy applications have all used this feature to ensure user safety.
Note: Some housings in the SB®50, SB®175, and SB®350 series have
different colored housings with a shared mechanical keying feature.
Please see the specific data sheet for details.

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