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110G19 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

Part # 110G19
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All Data Subject To Change Without Notice
Derating vs. Ambient Temperature Charts
Derating vs. Ambient Temperature charts show the maximum amperage
capability of a connector at a given ambient temperature. An example of
the SB®50 chart is included to follow along with this explanation.
All data points are based on the maximum operating temperature of the
connector, most often 105°C or 221°F. Accordingly if the temperature °C
on the Y axis of the chart is at 105°C, there is no amperage capability
because the connector housing is already at the maximum operating
Separate curves are shown for #6, #8, #10, and #12 AWG wire.
Interpreting the curves, at a 75°C ambient temperature the maximum
amperage capability that can be applied continuously to the connector is:
58A for #6, 46A for #8, 37A for #10, and 31A for #12 wire.
Notes on Temperature Rise Charts
Note that these charts are constructed using calculations based on actual test data. For this reason the chart
information may vary slightly from the safety agency ratings. Safety agency ratings and compliance with electrical
codes take precedent over these charts. The charts are designed to provide a guideline as to the connectors’ capability.
Actual results can vary based on the specific wire used, crimp tooling and assembly, as well as the environment the
connector is used in.
CSA ratings are based on not exceeding a 30°C temperature rise above ambient or a total temperature of 55°C. This
is considered the maximum temperature to safely handle a connector at. UL ratings can be based on the operating
temperature limit of the connector. Often for APP® connectors this is 105°C or an 80°C temperature rise above an
ambient temperature of 25°C. To provide a margin of safety, the heat rise charts are limited to a 60°C temperature rise.
| Compatible Wires |
APP® connectors are designed to be crimped and/or soldered to multi-stranded copper conductor wires only.
Alternate conductor materials including aluminum should not be used. Aluminum conductors crimped into APP®
contacts can result in a galvanic reaction occurring between the aluminum wire and the more cathodic metals
used in APP® contacts including copper, tin, silver, and gold. Additionally softer metals like aluminum flow or
loosen from crimps much easier than copper.
Multi-stranded wire is recommended for all APP® connectors and is required when crimp terminating wires or when a
connector with flat wiping contact technology is used (such as Powerpole® and SB®). Solid wires do not adequately
compress and retain in crimp barrels after being crimped. For this reason if solid wire is used, it should be with solder
termination only.
Solid wires also do not flex and bend as easily as multi-stranded equivalents and can act as a lever arm and impede
or alter the natural state of a flat wiping contact in the housing. This impediment or alteration to the flat wiping contact’s
natural state can cause intermittency and shorts as well as higher resistance and temperature at a given amperage
than is shown in APP® specifications. Mating and unmating forces may also be impacted.
10 AWG
12 AWG
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Derating vs. Ambient Temperature
Amperes Applied

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