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110G19 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
110G19 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
6 / 108 page www.andersonpower.com - 4 - All Data Subject To Change Without Notice | General Application Notes | There are common considerations when using APP® connectors. Additional considerations may apply based on the particular connector being used, the application, and conditions in which the connector is being used. This information is intended to provide a basic understanding and is provided for reference only. APP® connectors should be assembled and used according to the equipment manufacturer’s instructions, as well as in compliance with local and international electrical codes. The maximum amperage ratings provided in the specifications are based on use of APP® recommended assembly tooling and the maximum wire size for the connector being used. Amperage ratings are based on not exceeding the maximum operating temperature of the connector housing, factoring in an ambient temperature of 25°C or 77°F. A wire with an appropriate insulation temperature rating should be selected to meet or exceed the total connector temperature (heat rise + ambient). As an example: if the maximum operating temperature for a connector operation is 105°C and the ambient temperature is 25°C, the maximum heat rise attributable to the connector is 105°C - 25°C = 80°C. The expected heat rise based on the connector and wire size used can be estimated using the heat rise charts, but should be confirmed by testing in the specific application with the specific wire to be used. Connector devices are rated or derated by the wiring configuration and the environment. Factors to be considered include: enclosure characteristics, connector housing and wire insulation characteristics, number of wires in an enclosed area such as a raceway or conduit, as well as the ambient temperature. Underwriter Laboratories Inc. amperage ratings are based on not exceeding the maximum operating temperature of the connector housing. This means connectors can be extremely hot when used at the UL amperage ratings. For this reason UL amperage ratings should only be applied to connectors when they are used inside an enclosure not accessible to untrained persons. Canadian Standards Association ratings are based on not exceeding a 30°C temperature rise above ambient temperatures. For this reason CSA amp ratings are a good point of reference for connectors that are user operated. APP® does not recommend exceeding a 30°C temperature rise above ambient temperatures for connections accessible during operation to untrained persons. | How to Read Temperature Charts | Tempearture Rise at Constant Current Charts Temperature Rise at Constant Current charts show the associated heat rise as a result of applied current to the connector. An example of the SB®50 Temperature Rise chart is included to follow along with this explanation. The chart is based on an ambient temperature of 25°C (77°F room temperature). Accordingly if the temperature °C on the Y axis of the chart is at 30°C, the expected total connector temperature would be 55°C. Separate curves are shown for #6, #8, #10, and #12 AWG wire. Interpreting the curves, if 50 amps are applied continuously to the connector, the heat rise will be 23°C for #6, 35°C for #8, 55°C for #10, and #12 wire is not suitable for this amperage. Where T = Temperature, heat rise is expressed as a ΔT°C. T ambient - T (ambient + heat from applied current) = ΔT°C. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 6 AWG 8 AWG 10 AWG 12 AWG SB®50 Temperature Rise at Constant Current Amperes Applied |
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