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110G19 Datasheet(PDF) 102 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

Part # 110G19
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| Why Crimp Dimensions Are Not Suitable as Primary Inspection Criteria |
Crimp dimensions are not an adequate or reliable means to evaluate if a good crimp has been made. For this reason they should
not be relied upon as a primary inspection method.
When you crimp a contact, the material is forced down to the size of the fully closed die. This die closure on most tools is a fixed
dimension. When the die is released, the material (contact and wire) will expand back out when they are no longer restrained by
the die. The amount that it expands outwards or “bounces back” is dependant on the resistance or force that the material in the
contact and wire places against the crimp die. The resistance of the material to being formed by the crimp will vary with wire type
and stranding, hardness of the metal (both contact and wire), as well as the temperature. It is for this reason that the crimp height
is a variable and cannot be relied upon solely to determine if a crimp is good or not.
| Crimp Dimensions as Secondary Inspection Criteria |
Crimp dimensions should only be used as secondary inspection criteria due to the above variables. These variables make it
is impossible for Anderson Power Products to determine what the correct crimp dimension should be without evaluation of the
specific instance. Accordingly harness manufacturers are responsible for determining the appropriate crimp dimensions to be
used and only as a secondary inspection method. Crimp dimensions are an acceptable means of short interval inspection for
determining homogeneity within a batch provided:
1. Electrical resistance and pull out strength are tested on samples from the batch to ensure the crimp dimensions are
indicative of a good crimp.
2. The same tooling is used throughout the batch and operated in the same manner, at the same calibration level.
3. The same wire is used throughout the batch. (Wire can vary significantly by factors ranging from class to manufacturer).
4. Assembly instructions are closely followed, especially wire stripping and preparation.
| Other Critical Crimp Dimensions |
There are other critical crimp dimensions that impact if a crimp is good or not. All APP® contacts are designed to work with a specific
crimping solution to minimize the distortion of crimping force on the critical geometries of the contact. If the incorrect crimp solution
is used or the correct crimp solution is improperly used, then this will distort the intended geometries of the contact.
The geometry of the contact blade and its relative angle to the crimp barrel must be maintained after the contact is crimped. If these
dimensions are not maintained the contact will not latch properly in the housing. This can impact how well the contact is secured
in the housing as well as the normal force (measurement of the opposing force that pushes the contacts together) between the
mating blades of two mating contacts. The normal force is directly related to the electrical properties of the connector and poor
normal force can lead to higher electrical resistance, overheating, and reduced current capability. These geometries can only be
assured by using the correct crimp tool, with proper die and locator.
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