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110G19 Datasheet(PDF) 101 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

Part # 110G19
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All Data Subject To Change Without Notice
The alternative to crimping is to solder all cable strands within the contact barrel. When using an open flame, make sure that you
are not in an area where explosive gasses are present. The right proportion of solder is essential if this procedure is employed.
Use a quality 60/40 solder (60 percent tin, 40 percent lead) in wire form with a rosin flux core. Cable strands should be separately
fluxed with rosin paste, and the contact should be held in a vise with the barrel end facing up. Apply heat to the outside of the
barrel while the solder flows in beside the wire strands.
Here are some things to avoid when soldering:
A. Don’t use too much solder, to the point that it flows out of the contact barrel.
B. Don’t allow flux or solder on the outside of the contact. This will interfere with contact mounting within the installation or
with the contact connection to a mating connector.
C. Don’t overheat and cause excessive solder to “wick” up into the cable and stiffen it. This could interfere with contact
flexibility when connectors are mated.
D. Don’t solder when contact is in the connector housing. Solder away from the housing and then insert the contact into the
housing after it has cooled.
NOTE: Underwriters Laboratories (UL) requires the use of a cable clamp for soldered connections to unsupported wires.
| Determining If A Good Crimp Has Been Made |
1. Assure the correct wire size and type is used for the specific contact being crimped.
2. Follow the assembly instructions for the connector. Special attention should be paid to wire preparation and stripping.
3. Use the correct application tooling as recommended by Anderson Power Products® (tool, die, & locator).
4. Make several crimps for testing, and record crimp
dimensions in both “x” and “y” planes.
5. Test the electrical resistance across a mated pair
of connectors to the standard of the information
provided on the data sheet.
a. The electrical resistance values should be
similar to (or less than) what we publish for
that connector in our catalogs. Please
see the “Avg. Mated Contact Resistance”
on the data sheet for the specific
6. Test the pull out strength per the table to the right.
a. To achieve the electrical performance
published in our literature the pull out
values at minimum should meet the UL
486A values for the wire size being used.
The first column (lower value) pull out is the
minimum per UL486A. The second column
is what APP tries to achieve when designing
our crimp solutions. Any force within this
range is acceptable.
7. If crimps are within electrical and mechanical
specifications then the crimp dimensions are suitable
to be used as a secondary inspection criteria.
8 - 12
3.6 - 5.4
13 - 16
5.9 - 7.3
20 - 30
9.1 - 13.6
30 - 40
13.6 - 18.1
50 - 60
22.7 - 27.2
70 - 85
31.8 - 38.6
80 - 125
36.3 - 56.7
90 - 180
40.8 - 81.6
100 - 200
45.4 - 90.7
140 - 280
63.5 - 127
160 - 320
72.3 - 145.1
180 - 360
81.6 - 163.3
200 - 400
90.7 - 181.4
250 - 500
113.4 - 226.8
300 - 600
136.1 - 272.2
350 - 700
158.8 - 317.5
450 - 775
204.1 - 351.5
500 - 800
226.8 - 362.9
550 - 800
249.5 - 362.9
Wire Size
Contact Retention
Force Range
Contact Retention
Force Range

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