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TPD4144AK Datasheet(PDF) 11 Page - Toshiba Semiconductor |
TPD4144AK Datasheet(HTML) 11 Page - Toshiba Semiconductor |
11 / 23 page TPD4144AK 2012-02-15 11 External Parts Typical external parts are shown in the following table. Part Typical Purpose Remarks C1, C2, C3 25 V/2.2 μF Bootstrap capacitor (Note 1) C4 25 V/10 μF VCC power supply stability (Note 2) C5 25 V/0.1 μF VCC for surge absorber (Note 2) C6 25 V/1 μF VREG power supply stability (Note 2) C7 25 V/1000 pF VREG for surge absorber (Note 2) R1 5.1 k Ω DIAG pin pull-up resistor (Note 3) R2 10 k Ω SD pin pull-up resistor - Note 1: The required bootstrap capacitance value varies according to the motor drive conditions. The capacitor is biased by VCC and must be sufficiently derated for it. Note 2: When using this product, adjustment is required in accordance with the use environment. When mounting, place as close to the base of this product leads as possible to improve the ripple and noise elimination. Note 3: The DIAG pin is open drain. If not using the DIAG pin, connect to the GND. Handling precautions (1) Please control the input signal in the state to which the VCC voltage is steady. Both of the order of the VBB power supply and the VCC power supply are not cared about either. Note that if the power supply is switched off as described above, this product may be destroyed if the current regeneration route to the VBB power supply is blocked when the VBB line is disconnected by a relay or similar while the motor is still running. (2) The excess voltage such as the voltage surge which exceed the absolute maximum rating is added, for example, may destroy the circuit. Accordingly, be careful of handling this product or of surge voltage in its application environment. |
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