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LT1720IDD Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Linear Technology |
LT1720IDD Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - Linear Technology |
4 / 28 page LT1720/LT1721 4 17201fc TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 2.5 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3 4.0 5.0 17201 G01 3.0 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.0 VTRIP + VOS VTRIP – 25°C VCM = 1V TEMPERATURE (°C) –3 –1 1 3 –2 0 2 –25 25 100 17201 G02 –50 0 50 75 125 VTRIP + VOS VTRIP – TEMPERATURE (°C) –50 3.6 3.8 4.2 25 75 17201 G03 0.2 0 –25 0 50 100 125 –0.2 –0.4 4.0 VCC = 5V Input Offset and Trip Voltages vs Supply Voltage Input Offset and Trip Voltages vs Temperature Input Common Mode Limits vs Temperature Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: If one input is within these common mode limits, the other input can go outside the common mode limits and the output will be valid. Note 3: The LT1720/LT1721 comparators include internal hysteresis. The trip points are the input voltage needed to change the output state in each direction. The offset voltage is defined as the average of VTRIP+ and VTRIP–, while the hysteresis voltage is the difference of these two. Note 4: The common mode rejection ratio is measured with VCC = 5V and is defined as the change in offset voltage measured from VCM = –0.1V to VCM = 3.8V, divided by 3.9V. Note 5: The power supply rejection ratio is measured with VCM = 1V and is defined as the change in offset voltage measured from VCC = 2.7V to VCC = 6V, divided by 3.3V. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes specifications that apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VCC = 5V, VCM = 1V, COUT = 10pF, VOVERDRIVE = 20mV, unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS ΔtPD Differential Propagation Delay (Note 9) Between Channels 0.3 1.0 ns tSKEW Propagation Delay Skew (Note 10) Between tPDLH/tPDHL 0.5 1.5 ns tr Output Rise Time 10% to 90% 2.5 ns tf Output Fall Time 90% to 10% 2.2 ns tJITTER Output Timing Jitter VIN = 1.2VP-P (6dBm), ZIN = 50Ω tPDLH VCM = 2V, f = 20MHz tPDHL 15 11 psRMS psRMS fMAX Maximum Toggle Frequency VOVERDRIVE = 50mV, VCC = 3V VOVERDRIVE = 50mV, VCC = 5V 70.0 62.5 MHz MHz Note 6: Because of internal hysteresis, there is no small-signal region in which to measure gain. Proper operation of internal circuity is ensured by measuring VOH and VOL with only 10mV of overdrive. Note 7: Propagation delay measurements made with 100mV steps. Overdrive is measured relative to VTRIP±. Note 8: tPD cannot be measured in automatic handling equipment with low values of overdrive. The LT1720/LT1721 are 100% tested with a 100mV step and 20mV overdrive. Correlation tests have shown that tPD limits can be guaranteed with this test, if additional DC tests are performed to guarantee that all internal bias conditions are correct. Note 9: Differential propagation delay is defined as the larger of the two: ΔtPDLH = tPDLH(MAX) – tPDLH(MIN) ΔtPDHL = tPDHL(MAX) – tPDHL(MIN) where (MAX) and (MIN) denote the maximum and minimum values of a given measurement across the different comparator channels. Note 10: Propagation Delay Skew is defined as: tSKEW = |tPDLH – tPDHL| |
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