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AD5300BRMZ-REEL7 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Analog Devices |
AD5300BRMZ-REEL7 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Analog Devices |
1 / 13 page 2.7 V to 5.5 V, 140 μA, Rail-to-Rail Output 8-Bit DAC in a SOT-23 AD5300 Rev. D Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibilityis assumedbyAnalogDevicesforitsuse,norforanyinfringementsof patentsorother rightsofthirdpartiesthatmayresultfromitsuse.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarksandregisteredtrademarksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2003–2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. FEATURES Single 8-Bit DAC 6-Lead SOT-23 and 8-Lead MSOP Packages Micropower Operation: 140 μA @ 5 V Power-Down to 200 nA @ 5 V, 50 nA @ 3 V 2.7 V to 5.5 V Power Supply Guaranteed Monotonic by Design Reference Derived from Power Supply Power-On Reset to 0 V 3 Power-Down Functions Low Power Serial Interface with Schmitt-Triggered Inputs On-Chip Output Buffer Amplifier, Rail-to-Rail Operation SYNC Interrupt Facility Qualified for automotive applications APPLICATIONS Portable Battery-Powered Instruments Digital Gain and Offset Adjustment Programmable Voltage and Current Sources Programmable Attenuators FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AD5300 GND SYNC SCLK DIN VDD VOUT OUTPUT BUFFER 8-BIT DAC REF (+) REF (–) POWER-ON RESET DAC REGISTER INPUT CONTROL LOGIC POWER-DOWN CONTROL LOGIC RESISTOR NETWORK GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD5300 is a single, 8-bit buffered voltage output DAC that operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply, consuming 115 μA at 3 V. Its on-chip precision output amplifier allows rail-to-rail output swing to be achieved. The AD5300 uses a versatile 3-wire serial interface that operates at clock rates up to 30 MHz and is compatible with standard SPI®, QSPI™, MICROWIRE™, and DSP interface standards. The reference for the AD53001 is derived from the power supply inputs and thus gives the widest dynamic output range. The part incorporates a power-on reset circuit that ensures that the DAC output powers up to 0 V and remains there until a valid write takes place to the device. The part contains a power-down feature that reduces the current consumption of the device to 200 nA at 5 V and provides software selectable output loads while in power- down mode. The part is put into power-down mode over the serial interface. The low power consumption of this part in normal operation makes it ideally suited to portable battery-operated equipment. The power consumption is 0.7 mW at 5 V, reducing to 1 μW in power-down mode. The AD5300 is one of a family of pin-compatible DACs. The AD5310 is the 10-bit version, and the AD5320 is the 12-bit version. The AD5300/AD5310/AD5320 are available in 6-lead SOT-23 packages and 8-lead MSOP packages. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS 1. Available in 6-lead SOT-23 and 8-lead MSOP packages. 2. Low power, single-supply operation. This part operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply and typically consumes 0.35 mW at 3 V and 0.7 mW at 5 V, making it ideal for battery-powered applications. 3. The on-chip output buffer amplifier allows the output of the DAC to swing rail-to-rail with a slew rate of 1 V/μs. 4. Reference derived from the power supply. 5. High speed serial interface with clock speeds up to 30 MHz. Designed for very low power consumption. The interface powers up only during a write cycle. 6. Power-down capability. When powered down, the DAC typically consumes 50 nA at 3 V and 200 nA at 5 V. 1 Patent pending; protected by U.S. Patent No. 5684481. |
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