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FDT86244 Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
FDT86244 Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
2 / 6 page www.fairchildsemi.com 2 ©2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FDT86244 Rev.C Electrical Characteristics T J = 25 °C unless otherwise noted Off Characteristics On Characteristics Dynamic Characteristics Switching Characteristics Drain-Source Diode Characteristics Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units BVDSS Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage ID = 250 μA, VGS = 0 V 150 V ΔBV DSS ΔT J Breakdown Voltage Temperature Coefficient ID = 250 μA, referenced to 25 °C 104 mV/°C IDSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current VDS = 120 V, VGS = 0 V 1 μA IGSS Gate to Source Leakage Current VGS = ±20 V, VDS = 0 V ±100 nA VGS(th) Gate to Source Threshold Voltage VGS = VDS, ID = 250 μA 2.0 3.1 4.0 V ΔV GS(th) ΔT J Gate to Source Threshold Voltage Temperature Coefficient ID = 250 μA, referenced to 25 °C -10 mV/°C rDS(on) Static Drain to Source On Resistance VGS = 10 V, ID = 2.8 A 106 128 m Ω VGS = 6 V, ID = 2.4 A 127 178 VGS = 10 V, ID = 2.8 A, TJ = 125 °C 196 237 gFS Forward Transconductance VDS = 10 V, ID = 2.8 A 12 S Ciss Input Capacitance VDS = 75 V, VGS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz 295 395 pF Coss Output Capacitance 33 45 pF Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance 2.4 5 pF Rg Gate Resistance 1.0 Ω td(on) Turn-On Delay Time VDD = 75 V, ID = 2.8 A, VGS = 10 V, RGEN = 6 Ω 5.3 11 ns tr Rise Time 1.3 10 ns td(off) Turn-Off Delay Time 9.8 20 ns tf Fall Time 2.4 10 ns Qg(TOT) Total Gate Charge VGS = 0 V to 10 V VDD = 75 V, ID = 2.8 A 4.9 7 nC Qg(TOT) Total Gate Charge VGS = 0 V to 5 V 2.8 4 nC Qgs Total Gate Charge 1.4 nC Qgd Gate to Drain “Miller” Charge 1.3 nC VSD Source to Drain Diode Forward Voltage VGS = 0 V, IS = 2.8 A (Note 2) 0.82 1.3 V trr Reverse Recovery Time IF = 2.8 A, di/dt = 100 A/μs 48 77 ns Qrr Reverse Recovery Charge 44 70 nC NOTES: 1. RθJA is determined with the device mounted on a 1 in 2 pad 2 oz copper pad on a 1.5 x 1.5 in. board of FR-4 material. RθJC is guaranteed by design while RθCA is determined by the user's board design. 2. Pulse Test: Pulse Width < 300 μs, Duty cycle < 2.0%. 3. Starting TJ = 25 °C; N-ch: L = 1 mH, IAS = 5 A, VDD = 135 V, VGS = 10 V. 55 °C/W when mounted on a 1 in2 pad of 2 oz copper a) 118 °C/W when mounted on a minimum pad of 2 oz copper b) |
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