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5962-89805012A Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Analog Devices |
5962-89805012A Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Analog Devices |
1 / 17 page Integrated Circuit True RMS-to-DC Converter Data Sheet AD536A Rev. E Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibilityisassumedbyAnalogDevicesforitsuse,norforanyinfringementsofpatentsorother rightsofthirdpartiesthatmayresultfromitsuse.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarksandregisteredtrademarksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com Fax: 781.461.3113 ©1976–2012 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. FEATURES True rms-to-dc conversion Laser trimmed to high accuracy ±0.2% maximum error (AD536AK) ±0.5% maximum error (AD536AJ) Wide response capability Computes rms of ac and dc signals 450 kHz bandwidth: V rms > 100 mV 2 MHz bandwidth: V rms > 1 V Signal crest factor of 7 for 1% error dB output with 60 dB range Low power: 1.2 mA quiescent current Single- or dual-supply operation Monolithic integrated circuit −55°C to +125°C operation (AD536AS) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD536A is a complete monolithic integrated circuit that performs true rms-to-dc conversion. It offers performance comparable or superior to that of hybrid or modular units costing much more. The AD536A directly computes the true rms value of any complex input waveform containing ac and dc components. A crest factor compensation scheme allows measurements with 1% error at crest factors up to 7. The wide bandwidth of the device extends the measurement capability to 300 kHz with less than 3 dB errors for signal levels greater than 100 mV. An important feature of the AD536A, not previously available in rms converters, is an auxiliary dB output pin. The logarithm of the rms output signal is brought out to a separate pin to allow the dB conversion, with a useful dynamic range of 60 dB. Using an externally supplied reference current, the 0 dB level can be conveniently set to correspond to any input level from 0.1 V to 2 V rms. The AD536A is laser trimmed to minimize input and output offset voltage, to optimize positive and negative waveform symmetry (dc reversal error), and to provide full-scale accuracy at 7 V rms. As a result, no external trims are required to achieve the rated unit accuracy. The input and output pins are fully protected. The input circuitry can take overload voltages well beyond the supply levels. Loss of supply voltage with the input connected to external circuitry does not cause the device to fail. The output is short-circuit protected. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM dB BUFFER IN VIN 25kΩ 80kΩ 25kΩ CAV +VS –VS COM AD536A RL IOUT BUFFER OUT CURRENT MIRROR SQUARER/ DIVIDER ABSOLUTE VALUE + BUF Figure 1. The AD536A is available in two accuracy grades (J and K) for commercial temperature range (0°C to 70°C) applications, and one grade (S) rated for the −55°C to +125°C extended range. The AD536AK offers a maximum total error of ±2 mV ± 0.2% of reading, while the AD536AJ and AD536AS have maximum errors of ±5 mV ± 0.5% of reading. All three versions are available in a hermetically sealed 14-lead DIP or a 10-pin TO-100 metal header package. The AD536AS is also available in a 20-terminal leadless hermetically sealed ceramic chip carrier. The AD536A computes the true root-mean-square level of a complex ac (or ac plus dc) input signal and provides an equiva- lent dc output level. The true rms value of a waveform is a more useful quantity than the average rectified value because it relates directly to the power of the signal. The rms value of a statistical signal also relates to its standard deviation. An external capacitor is required to perform measurements to the fully specified accuracy. The value of this capacitor determines the low frequency ac accuracy, ripple amplitude, and settling time. The AD536A operates equally well from split supplies or a single supply with total supply levels from 5 V to 36 V. With 1 mA quiescent supply current, the device is well suited for a wide variety of remote controllers and battery-powered instruments. |
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