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6 / 16 page 6 AC Electrical Specifications Over recommended operating conditions (TA = -55° C to +125° C, VIN+ = 0 V, VIN– = 0 V, VDD1 = 5 V and VDD2 = 5 V, unless otherwise specified). Parameter Symbol Group A[12] Subgroups Min. Typ.* Max. Units Test Conditions Fig. Note Common Mode Rejection CMR 9 5 8 5.0 kV/ s VCM = 1 kV 4.5 V ≤ (VDD1, VDD2) ≤ 5.5 V, TA = 25° C 16 8, 13 Propagation Delay to 50% tPD50 9, 10, 11 3.7 7.5 s VIN+ = 0 to 100 mV step 4.5 V ≤ (VDD1, VDD2) ≤ 5.5 V 18, 19 Propagation Delay to 90% tPD90 9, 10, 11 5.7 11.0 Rise/Fall Time (10-90%) tR/F 9, 10, 11 3.4 7.5 Small-Signal Bandwidth (-3 dB) f-3 dB 9, 10, 11 45 100 kHz 4.5 V ≤ (VDD1, VDD2) ≤ 5.5 V VIN+ = 200 mVpk-pk 18, 20, 21 14 Small-Signal Bandwidth (-45°) f-45°31 RMS Input- Referred Noise VN 0.6 mVrms In recommended application circuit 22, 24 9 Power Supply Rejection PSR 570 mVP-P 10 * All typicals are at the nominal operating conditions of VIN+ = 0 V, VIN– = 0 V, TA = 25˚ C, VDD1 = 5 V and VDD2 = 5 V. Notes: 1. If VIN– is brought above VDD1 -2 V with respect to GND1 an internal test mode may be activated. This test mode is not intended for customer use. 2. Exact offset value is dependent on layout of external bypass capacitors. The offset value in the data sheet corresponds to Avago’s recommended layout (see Figures 26 and 27). 3. Nonlinearity is defined as half of the peak-to-peak output deviation from the best-fit gain line, expressed as a percentage of the full-scale differential output voltage. 4. Because of the switched capacitor nature of the sigma-delta A/D converter, time averaged values are shown. 5. CMRRIN is defined as the ratio of the gain for differential inputs applied between pins 2 and 3 to the gain for both common mode inputs applied to both pins 2 and 3 with respect to pin 4. 6. When the differential input signal exceeds approximately 320 mV, the outputs will limit at the typical values shown. 7. Short-circuit current is the amount of output current generated when either output is shorted to VDD2 or ground. Avago does not recommend operations under these conditions. 8. CMR (also known as IMR or Isolation Mode Rejection) specifies the minimum rate of rise of a common mode signal applied across the isolation boundary at which small output perturbations begin to occur. These output perturbations can occur with both the rising and falling edges of the common mode waveform and may be of either polarity. A CMR failure is defined as a perturbation exceeding 200 mV at the output of the recommended application circuit (Figure 24). See Applications section for more information on CMR. 9. Output noise comes from two primary sources: chopper noise and sigma-delta quantization noise. Chopper noise results from chopper stabilization of the output op-amps. It occurs at a specific frequency (typically 500 kHz) and is not attenuated by the on-chip output filter. The on-chip filter does eliminate most, but not all, of the sigma-delta quantization noise. An external filter circuit may be easily added to the external post-amplifier to reduce the total RMS output noise. See Applications section for more information. 10. Data sheet value is the amplitude of the transient at the differential output of the device when a 1 VP-P, 1 MHz square wave with 100 ns rise and fall times (measured at pins 1 and 8) is applied to both VDD1 and VDD2. 11. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 are shorted together and pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 are shorted together. 12. Commercial parts receive 100% testing at 25° C (Subgroups 1 and 9). Hi-Rel and SMD parts receive 100% testing at 25° C, +125° C and -55° C (Subgroups 1 and 9, 2 and 10, 3 and 11, respectively). 13. Parameters are tested as part of device initial characterization and after design and process changes only. Parameters are guaranteed to limits specified for all lots not specifically tested. 14. The f-3dB test is guaranteed by the TRISE test. |
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