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KA7541 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
KA7541 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
6 / 14 page KA7541 6 Figure 2. Oscillator sawtooth & Output gate drive waveform As a result, the switching frequency is as following Ts = 2 × (∆Tch + ∆Tdis) = 15.29µ fsw = 1 / TS = 65KHz The explicit equation calculating the size of the timing capacitor for a certain switching frequency is written below. Soft Start The switching frequency is linearly decreasing from the pre-heating frequency to the normal switching frequency. In KA7541, the initial pre-heating frequency can be adjusted depending on the types of the lamps used. During the pre-heating mode, a sixth of the soft start current (IS) which flows through the soft start resistor (RS) at pin #3 is added to the normal timing capacitor charging current (50 µA). The rising and falling slope of the triangular waveform are increased due to this added current. Soft start current (IS) = 2V / RS Rising slope: dv / dt = i / C = (50 µA + IS / 6) / Ct Falling slope: dv / dt = i / C = 7 × (50µA + IS / 6) / Ct So, once the value of RS and Ct are known, the pre-heating frequency can be calculated straightforward by using the following equation. The dead time ratio during pre-heating mode is maintained to be constant as well as in normal mode. (on duty: dead time = 7:1 ) The voltage of the soft start capacitor (CS) determines the soft start time (tss). When VCC voltage exceeds the start-up voltage (Vth(st)), the soft start capacitor start to be charged by the current source (313nA). The switching frequency decreases linearly to fsw(nor) from fsw(pre) until the soft start capacitor voltage (VCS) touches 2V. Therefore the soft start duration time (tss) can be acquired by the following formula. Vct (Pin #2) Voutput (Pin #6, 7) Charging Period( ∆Tch) Discharging Period( ∆Tdis) 2.86V 1.0V 14V 0V C t 11.76 10 6 – × f sw --------------------------------- = fsw pre () 50 10 6 – 0.33 Rs ----------- + × Ct 4.25 × ------------------------------------------- = |
Similar Part No. - KA7541 |
Similar Description - KA7541 |
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