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R1QKA3618CBG Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
R1QKA3618CBG Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
3 / 38 page PAGE : 3 Rev. 0.09a : 2011.09.14 R1QGA36**CB* / R1QKA36**CB* Series hinS=00000.0000.0000.0000.0000--- 11111.1111.1111.1111.1111--- 00000.0000.0000.0000.0000--- 036M 533 500 450 400 375 333 333 300 250 200 1.875 2.00 2.22 2.50 2.66 3.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 5.00 yy -19-20 -22-25 -27-30 -30 -33 -40-50 17 x18 R1Q A A36 18 C Bv- yy 18 x36 R1Q A A36 36 C Bv- yy 20 x18 R1Q B A36 18 C Bv- yy 21 x36 R1Q B A36 36 C Bv- yy 23 x18 R1Q C A36 18 C Bv- yy 24 x36 R1Q C A36 36 C Bv- yy 26 x18 R1Q D A36 18 C Bv- yy 27 x36 R1Q D A36 36 C Bv- yy 29 x18 R1Q E A36 18 C Bv- yy 30 x36 R1Q E A36 36 C Bv- yy 32 x18 R1Q F A36 18 C Bv- yy 33 x36 R1Q F A36 36 C Bv- yy 35 x18 R1Q G A36 18 C Bv- yy 36 x36 R1Q G A36 36 C Bv- yy 38 x18 R1Q H A36 18 C Bv- yy 39 x36 R1Q H A36 36 C Bv- yy 41 x18 R1Q J A36 18 C Bv- yy 42 x36 R1Q J A36 36 C Bv- yy 44 x18 R1Q K A36 18 C Bv- yy 45 x36 R1Q K A36 36 C Bv- yy 47 x18 R1Q L A36 18 C Bv- yy 48 x36 R1Q L A36 36 C Bv- yy 50 x18 R1Q M A36 18 C Bv- yy 51 x36 R1Q M A36 36 C Bv- yy -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 -20 -20 -22 -22 -20 -20 -20 -20 No B4 DDRII+ QDRII+ B4 DDRII+ B2 B4 QDRII+ B4 QDRII+ B4 DDRII+ B2 B4 B4 B2 DDRII+ B4 QDRII+ -19 -19 B2 -19 -19 -19 -19 -22 -22 -22 -22 Frequency (max) (MHz) Cycle Time (min) (ns) Part Number QDR II+ / DDR II+ QDR II / DDR II Notes: 1. "yy" represents the speed bin. "R1QAA3636CBG-20" can operate at 500 MHz(max) of frequency, for example. 2. "v" represents the package size. If "v" = "G" then size is 15 x 17 mm, and if "v" = "A" then 13 x 15 mm. 3. The part which is not listed above is not supported, as of the day when this datasheet was issued, in spite of the existence of the part number or datasheet. 36M QDR II+ / DDR II+ SRAM Lineup - Renesas supports or plans to support the parts listed below. R10DS0161EJ0009 |
Similar Part No. - R1QKA3618CBG |
Similar Description - R1QKA3618CBG |
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