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AN82527F8 Datasheet(PDF) 21 Page - Intel Corporation

Part # AN82527F8
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Manufacturer  INTEL [Intel Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.intel.com
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AN82527F8 Datasheet(HTML) 21 Page - Intel Corporation

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The following differences exist between the -001
version and the -002 revision
1 The RAM block in Figure 1 82527 Block Dia-
gram was previously called DPRAM
2 The INT
(VCC 2) pin in Figure 2 44-Pin PLCC
Package and in other descriptions was previ-
ously called the INT
(VDD 2) pin
3 The Mode0 and Mode1 pin descriptions were
modified to include the following note These
pins are weakly held low during reset
4 The DSACK0
pin description was changed to
reflect an open-drain output
5 VIL1 for RX0 in comparator bypass mode was
6 VIH1 hysteresis on RESET
was added
7 VIH2 for RX0 in comparator bypass mode was
8 ISLEEP current with VCC 2 output enabled was
corrected from 700 mA minimum to 700 mA
9 ISLEEP current with VCC 2 output disabled was
corrected from 100 mA minimum to 100 mA
10 IPD current was changed from 10 mA minimum
to 25 mA maximum
11 The following note was added to the electrical
characteristics Port pins are weakly held high
after reset until the port configuration registers
are written (9FH AFH)
12 The following DC Characteristics Specifica-
tions have been removed and replaced by the
Internal Delay 1 and Internal Delay 2 specifica-
tions These specifications reflect the produc-
tion test methodology which requires these two
delays to be tested together
a Delay Dominant to Recessive
b Delay Recessive to Dominant
c Input Delay with Comparator Bypassed
d Rise Time
e Fall Time
13 The following AC Characteristics for 8-Bit
16-Bit Multiplexed Intel Modes (Modes 01)
have been changed
a 1tMCLK has been increased to 8 MHz from
5 MHz
b tLLAX has been decreased to 20 ns from
225 ns
c tLLRL has been increased to 20 ns from
0 ns
d tCLLL has been added
e tWHLH has been increased to 8 ns from 0 ns
f tWHCH has been added
g tRLDV1 has been added
h tWLYH has been changed to tWLYZ to reflect
the READY pin is an open-drain output
i tWHYH has been changed to tWHYZ to re-
flect the READY pin is an open-drain output
j tRLYH has been changed to tRLYZ to reflect
the READY pin is an open-drain output
k tWHDV has been increased to 2 tMCLK a
250 ns from 2 tMCLK a 100 ns
l The following note was added References
to WR
also pertain to WRH
m The following definition was added for a
‘‘read cycle without a previous write’’ The
time between the rising edge of WR
(for the previous write cycle) and the
falling edge of RD
(for the current read cy-
cle) is greater than 2 tMCLK
n The following definition was added for a
‘‘write cycle with a previous write’’ The time
between the rising edge of WR
(for the previous write cycle) and the next
rising edge of WR
(for the current
write cycle) is less than 2 tMCLK

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