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FDC37C78-HT Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Microchip Technology |
FDC37C78-HT Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Microchip Technology |
12 / 82 page 12 DIGITAL OUTPUT REGISTER (DOR) Address 3F2 READ/WRITE The DOR controls the drive select and motor enables of the disk interface outputs. It also contains the enable for the DMA logic and contains a software reset bit. The contents of the DOR are unaffected by a software reset. The DOR can be written to at any time. BIT 0 and 1 DRIVE SELECT These two bit a are binary encoded for the four drive selects DS0-DS3, thereby allowing only one drive to be selected at one time. BIT 2 nRESET A logic "0" written to this bit resets the Floppy disk controller. This reset will remain active until a logic "1" is written to this bit. This software reset does not affect the DSR and CCR registers, nor does it affect the other bits of the DOR register. The minimum reset duration required is 100ns, therefore toggling this bit by consecutive writes to this register is a valid method of issuing a software reset. BIT 3 DMAEN Writing this bit to logic "1" will enable the DRQ, nDACK, TC and IRQ outputs. This bit being a logic "0" will disable the nDACK and TC inputs, and hold the DRQ and IRQ outputs in a high impedance state. This bit is a logic "0" after a reset and in these modes. BIT 4 MOTOR ENABLE 0 This bit controls the MTR0 disk interface output. A logic "1" in this bit will cause the output pin to go active. BIT 5 MOTOR ENABLE 1 This bit controls the MTR1 disk interface output. A logic "1" in this bit will cause the output pin to go active. BIT 6 MOTOR ENABLE 2 This bit controls the MTR2 disk interface output. A logic "1" in this bit will cause the output pin to go active. BIT 7 MOTOR ENABLE 3 This bit controls the MTR3 disk interface output. A logic "1" in this bit causes the output to go active. Table 3 - Drive Activation Values 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MOT EN3 MOT EN2 MOT EN1 MOT EN0 DMAEN nRESET DRIVE SEL1 DRIVE SEL0 RESET COND. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRIVE DOR VALUE 0 1 2 3 1CH 2DH 4EH 8FH |
Similar Part No. - FDC37C78-HT |
Similar Description - FDC37C78-HT |
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